View Full Version : Moving house and terrified and depressed

30-06-18, 13:35

We're moving from London to the South coast in July and we're packing up the family home of 19 years. It was my idea to do this in December and we know this part of the country quite well and have one set of friends there.

I've lived in London most of my life and I know I will feel pretty awful when we close the door for the last time. My mental health team are basically supportive of our decision but I am scared I won't get any support down there. I know my life has to change because standing still and staying here has made me very ill. I just need to find some hope and tranquillity here. I will have to make a new life down there and I will try to make myself part of the community there. I will try to volunteer for a charity shop because I do there here and it helps. Has anyone else been through this? I am 58 so I am possibly saying goodbye to paid employment but I can't do that anyway so I need to accept that 2/3rds of my life is over and I am entering 'old age' . I don't feel ready to do this but I am trapped by depression and anxiety. I am so sick and tired of feeling like this. Every day is just a battle.

Any tips? Thanks all - in advance.

30-06-18, 15:56
I did the same move (Twickenham to W.Sussex) about 15 years ago.

Never looked back. It was wonderful. Such a massive improvement in quality of life. I hate London now.

30-06-18, 23:16
Hi Greycylinder,

A big change, its only natural to be anxious. I too have started to consider doing that move out of London. I have terrible anxiety and that lead to depression. I am guilty of thinking of the worst outcome when change comes along, but it is important to consider that it all might be the best change ever. Let me know how you get on with the move etc. God luck.

02-07-18, 13:00
Really nice of you to reply and to be so encouraging. I am trying to focus on each small thing which has to be done and not to dwell on negative presumptions which may never happen. I will write back to let you know how things are.

Thanks again

02-07-18, 14:24
Greycylinder - London is quite overwhelming and is only getting busier and busier. You picked the right time to move.

I find these big life changes terrifying but sometimes you just have to do it. Good luck!

03-07-18, 17:53
OK take care of yourself Greycylinder, I hope it all goes smoothly.

05-07-18, 22:08
I have just recently moved house and was dreading it because of my anxiety but the move wasn't as bad as I thought. Hope it all goes well for u