View Full Version : Worried about undercooked qourn mince

Clydesdale Epona
30-06-18, 16:30
I made qourn mince bolognese for tea and now I'm worried it was undercooked, haven't ate it for a while so not sure of the texture but definitely was rather soft so couldn't be overly.
I know it's only qourn mince but terrified of food poisoning, don't seen to trust my cooking but everyone elses haha
I fried it for about 8 minutes and then with the sauce for 10 and it does say to put it in with the sauce for 10 minutes so frying was an overcompensation

30-06-18, 16:56
Nothing to worry about. You'll be fine.

30-06-18, 18:50
I've asked Mo Farrah and he replied :yesyes:

Clydesdale Epona
30-06-18, 20:35
Haha thanks Terry!

Having a really shit time since the parents went on holiday just me and my partner and so I've gone into "can't hurt myself as have no car to drive me into A and E" and now all I'm doing is hurting myself and panicking!
Just banged the back top of my head on the sharp end of the bed side table, not hard not bleeding but still instantly I have a concussion and I'm gonna die tonight because can't get to A and E.

I have been posting like mad lately I'm going home however soon so I can be with my family feel safer(even though A and E is further away and they don't have a car, logic? Haha)

I need to seek more help when I get home if I manage to after today lol just hurts sharply because I hit it on something sharp but still in overdrive

01-07-18, 04:54
Yep, the annoying over planning against risks that anxiety brings can make you feel like you have to always be within easy distance of a doctor "just in case". It's an annoying overactive boy scout always being prepared!

But if something did happen are you able to reached by ambulance? Do you have a local taxi service for when you don't have a car? If the answers are yes, then you are covered and you will find a way.

A lot of your posts have been about possible broken bones but there is obviously a core issue in here about a broken bone being more than it is (in your mind) because going to A&E can mean sitting there hours with a break and then you are swiftly booted out to the taxi rank to spend weeks resting it. That spike of a reaction is where you can learn to tell your subconscious you don't care so stop bothering and in time it will learn to stop doing it.