View Full Version : Back again...oh boy.

30-06-18, 19:08
So over the years I've been on and off of this forum due to my health anxiety. The straw that broke the camel's back happened about 3 years ago and I went to a psychiatrist and have been on Lexapro since. It literally saved my life. Here and then I've had some negative thoughts but I have been able to redirect do better. But now it's back and I had to resort to some Xanax to snap me out of it. I haven't had to take Xanax in months. Anyway... so my current fear is prostate cancer and colon cancer. Prostate because I'm having difficulty urinating (but I've always had some difficulty urinating becuase I take Elavil for my IBS). But of course I'm focusing on it now. I've experienced constipation for the past 6 months and my stools are coming out flat - granted I know I have an internal hemorrhoid. But the constipation has been new the past 6 months or so. The Elavil plus the lexapro I know can cause some constipation. What causes me concern is the pain around my bladder when I'm full now the flat stools. I had a colonoscopy around 11 years ago (age 32 at the time) and all was fine. I was diagnosed with IBS. I had a prostate PSA test 2 year ago and it was normal. 0.7. And now I'm back in bed depressed. Anxious. Thoughts of death. Haven't had this spiral down like this in a while.

01-07-18, 07:35
Maybe you could go in to the doctor and ask for routine blood tests (which could rule out cancer). Remember that you’ve had health anxiety before so that’s likely why you’re convinced it’s Cancer - not because your symptoms indicate that. Hope things get better for you.