View Full Version : Is craft resin dangerous to your health? Worried I might of done some damage.

30-06-18, 22:56
So today I bought some craft resin for a college project, I didn’t really read the instructions apart from the part on how to use it. I mixed it up and did what I had to do. I got some on my hands in the process and was aware it can cause irratation to the skin so washed it off straight away. I then went to google just to see how bad it is to get on your skin and started reading all these websites saying you shouldn’t breath it in, should wear clothes and a mask, open the windows etc when using it. I immediately got rid of anything in my room that had resin in it and put it in another room. I then wiped down all surfaces, and washed my hands and arms and changed my clothes. Then I put the dehumidifier on to “filter” the room. I’m now worried I am going to get some sort of bad health effects from this because apparently the fumes are toxic. I’m also suddenly getting heart palpitations while tying this. Am I over reacting here?? Or is it actually dangerous??

30-06-18, 23:59
Am I over reacting here??

Yes you are, you will be fine :)