View Full Version : Almost two weeks anxiety free

01-07-18, 08:50
Hey there. I just want to quickly update on my mental health status. I've been through colon cancer fears, brain tumor fears, multiple sclerosis fears and so on, but I kind of learned how to live my life positively. This forum definitely helped me to achieve this, and as much as I love you guys, I'll try to visit the forum less to keep myself from bad thoughts. The funny thing is that I just kind of ran out of things to worry about, and at one point I just realized that it was pointless to worry for 6 months because I'm still there and nothing bad happened(yet). So I kinda moved on past that. Sure, I'll still be hypervigilant about my health but I'll try to worry less. I'll definitely stick around the forum, hopefully without creating new thread every couple days, because the community here is amazing and definitely helps. Thank you all guys and stay awesome!