View Full Version : My dad had a mini stroke and I'm terrified

01-07-18, 19:33
Hello everyone, I'm not sure which category this would even go in? But I just need some support right now.

While I was away on holiday my dad had a mini stroke, I found out the day before I was meant to come home by my dads friend who asked me how he was, I was like huh? So called all my family and no answer, until my brother answered and told me what had happened. Due to my anxieties they wanted to let me enjoy my holiday and tell me when I got home. So I had the whole last night just being a total wreck.

I'm home now, I've been home since yesterday afternoon and my dad also got home yesterday afternoon from the hospital.

I'm struggling so much to see him this way, he still is slurring his words and his mouth is still slightly drooped, his arm is also still weak. I'm just struggling to see my dad, my hero, struggle like this. I am staying positive, we are both laughing and joking to keep spirits high. Luckily my dad is a very funny, happy man, so he's good at that.

I'm just so scared that he's not okay, he's not as okay as he's making out and that something worse is going to happen.

I am trying to take comfort in the fact that the hospital sent him home, they must've thought he was doing okay, and that they are saying he has a 95% recovery rate.

I am just scared, and putting on the bravest face I think I've ever had to put on. But just having a little cry here and there when I'm off to the toilet or whatever. My chest hurts, my stomach hurts, I am just sad.

I just need someone to talk to :(

01-07-18, 21:16
Oh I am so sorry that this happened. Of course you’re upset and scared and anxious. It’s completely natural and don’t worry about how you’re feeling.

So it is great that they have sent him home already! His speech and movement will improve a bit more every day. Do you know if he’s getting physio?

My Dad has a stroke a few years ago and so I understand your panic. He was in hospital for a few weeks and he got his speech back really quickly.

You’re doing the right thing by talking about it. Make sure you go easy on yourself. But also, give your Dad a big hug. Let us know how you and him are doing.

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