View Full Version : First bite pain, help

01-07-18, 20:01
After being anxiety free for over a year, I relapsed about 5 months ago. Had some anxiety over car trouble, and when that was resolved I again became totally fixated on my health.

About a month into my relapse, I developed pain on both sides of my jaw in the parotid region on the first bite which would resolve in about 30 seconds. This sent me through the roof. I saw a dentist first who shrugged it off, then a doctor who treated my anxiety and ran a battery of tests. The tests came back all normal, and she sent me on my way with medication to manage my anxiety.

Only, the jaw pain persists. I get anxious before eating every single time because I know that first bite is going to hurt. I've been living with constant anxiety attacks once again for the last 4-5 months. Some details: I can put the food in my mouth with no pain but once I start to chew, pain. Soda results in a parotid tingle, but no pain. I can chew a cotton swab with no pain, so I have no idea what that means. If I eat, wait an hour, then eat again, it's painful.

I consulted Dr. Google who says first bite syndrome with no surgery = Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. There are only 700 males diagnosed with this condition every year, but anxiety lizard brain says "you have this and you will die."

I'm really just seeking reassurance, and wondering if anyone else has experienced first bite syndrome as a result of clenching? I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow to hopefully do some imaging or at least talk me down.

Thanks for reading.

01-07-18, 21:02
Never heard of it, but it does sound like it’s got you very upset & I can understand why.
I hope your doctor is helpful tomorrow, let us know how you get on.

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