View Full Version : Panic disorder survivor

02-07-18, 09:16
Hey all I only joined yesterday, I started having horrendous full blown panic attacks about a year ago. I started calling 999 on a regular basis as I constantly thought I was having a heart attack , I kept feeling my pulse and had the whole skipped beat going on and was convinced there was something wrong with me, I could have up to 4-5 attacks a day. I was placed on citalopram at first but am currently taking venflaxine, I have to say medication has defiantly worked for me of course medication takes some getting used to at first , I do sometimes have days where anxiety creeps in but with the help of CBT I’m learning how to change my mind set , if your having panic attacks don’t let it take over go see the doctor because they’re are many ways to combat this, I don’t have support network around me as my mother thinks I should just get a grip but we all know it’s not that easy! :)

02-07-18, 21:06
Hey boy, never fear your own body.
It will NEVER EVER act against you!
Nothing will happen.
It's all nonsense.
Take a good diet and a good amount of sleep.
And don't react to emotional 'button-pushing' :D
You have aaaalll the time, and don't try to be sheepy like other people^^
They don't even know where they are sitting in :D

And guess what?
Im free of all my 'fears' now.

All are gone now and it never even was my own fault :D
Might be challenging, but these answers are truly self empowering and not just playing around :D
And you will be one of the VERY few people that got to deeper understadning of all this
All the best