View Full Version : Does this sound like an anxiety attack?

02-07-18, 10:40
Last night I had a few drinks with some friends...only two or 3 prosecco mimosas but I drank them steadily with lots of food from the hours of 6.30-10. At 10 I had a headache so stopped and went to bed at around midnight with my friend.
We both woke at 5am and heard a huge crash and panicked that we'd left a door open in her place, and she had a bit of a go at me for leaving it open despite the fact that her roommate was the last one who went to bed. I don't mind as she was probably still a little drunk but the whole thing sorta shook me up so I went downstairs and started to get anxious. Then I had this feeling in my tummy that I needed to throw up..but I didn't exactly feel "sick" .. just like an overwhelming feeling..I panicked and went outside and chewed on a mint(I can't do illness.. I have a big phobia of sick) and felt better. I went inside, though, and still felt awful...it was a mix of heartbeat and tiredness and sick and I felt myself not being able to breathe out...I then had to rush to the toilet(like an ibs feeling) and that sent me into another huge panic as I fear getting tummy bugs...and the whole train ride home I couldn't breathe..but I was too tired to be properly anxious...im not exhausted but thankfully don't feel unwell anymore.
Was this an anxiety attack?

02-07-18, 11:15
It sounds like it may be close, or anxiety anyway.
Perfectly reasonable given the circumstances!

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02-07-18, 14:06
It could be, but then alcohol, food, anxiety and bloating or reflux can sometimes make me feel a bit like this without it being a panic attack as such.

I'd probably put it down to a bad reaction to the food and drink and quite a bit of anxiety from your phobia.

Myself I've had some episodes like this particularly with fizzy alcohol - maybe a bit of a build up in pressure from all the bubbles.

The breathing thing could be panic or it could be feeling horribly bloated from the food and bubbles. Abdominal bloating can affect your diaphragm and can affect your breathing like this.

At it's worst it is quite horrid and if you have a fear of being sick then this would logically be heightened by this feeling.

Glad you are feeling better.

02-07-18, 16:14
Thanks so much guys!

Giant I think you're right - at one point I felt like anxiety took over from the genuine feeling... It's a bad phobia to have as I usually starve for a day if I feel the slightest bit ill but today I've managed to eat here and there but I keep replaying the incident over and over again :( it's made me reevaluate my drink intake from now on haha you're right...those damn alcobubbles!