View Full Version : Car accident? Whiplash?

02-07-18, 15:16
Hey I was in a car accident on Friday, my car is totaled. I was in the hospital for an hour, the doctor said "probably just whiplash" and I have scrapes on my arm, legs, and head.

Ive been off work and resting since, but having health anxiety I always imagine the worst. I do have sores, stomach aches, am shaky and twitchy (but im always shaky and twitchy and I have IBS), have some crackling in my head and feel lightheaded when I move a lot. Like last night I went to store to get some food, and I felt lightheaded after a few minutes of walking around store.

Im not sure if these are symptoms of typical whiplash, or just my anxiety making it worse. Being an anxious person I fear whiplash will cause me neurological issues down the road.

Has anyone ever had whiplash and bad symptoms? Long term issues or long time ago?

02-07-18, 15:55
Whiplash isn't pleasant but it's good to hear you survived that crash otherwise unscathed.

Because it's painful it can make you nauseous. But so can anxiety and a scary event like a crash can easily spike anxiety for a while.

02-07-21, 18:49
Yes, I agree. Whiplash takes a long time to wear off.

02-07-21, 19:49
I had about 6 months of physio and remember feeling very dizzy immediately afterwards. It's certainly a traumatic event and I hope you feel better soon but do get the right physio treatment and look after your neck.