View Full Version : Mucus in the throat after eating? Help!

02-07-18, 20:51
It all started a month or two ago... I cannot recall the exact day.
I did not have any cold or flu or something like that. First, I began to feel like I had to clear my throat after eating, but now I have mucus in my throat, similar to postnasal drip after having a cold.
The funny thing is that I don`t have to cough, I just feel it when I clear my throat.
The same thing happens after drinking anything or smoking (note: I am a smoker, but nothing extreme, up to 10 cigarettes a day-the most)

So, what is happening to me?:shrug:

02-07-18, 21:00
Could you have hayfever or allergies? Those are the normal causes.

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02-07-18, 21:05
Could you have hayfever or allergies? Those are the normal causes.

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Nope:huh: I have never suffered from allergies... Only a sun allergy when I am out at the beach... But no respiratory problems whatsoever

02-07-18, 21:09
Well it could be the smoking then. Or dairy. Or anxiety. Mine is asthma/allergy related.

Go see your doctor if it’s the same for 2 weeks.

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