View Full Version : Seeking assurance high liver enzymes/fatty liver.

02-07-18, 21:46

I have fatty liver. Recently went to the doctors and was told that my numbers were really high. My numbers are higher than people who have fatty liver. Of course this sent me into panic mode and my anxiety has been through the roof as of late. One thing I forgot to mention was that when I had a ultrasound done about a year ago it also revealed that I had sludge on my gallbladder. I know sludge on your gallbladder can increase your liver enzymes as well. Looking for anyone with experience on this issue or who has gone thru a similar situation. I've already adopted a healthier eating lifestyle and have lost quite a few pounds. Any suggestions or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

02-07-18, 21:58
What has the doctor actually told you?

If you're eating a healthy diet you're doing the right thing. If you drink alcohol, it would be best to knock that on the head, or at least cut down your consumption.

02-07-18, 22:24
She told me to lose weigh and adopt a healthier lifestyle. She said it just might be fatty liver but to make sure it is anything worst cause my numbers are really high. I got referred to a liver specialist who I have an appointment with in three weeks. I don't drink alcohol at all so no worries with that.

03-07-18, 00:04
She told me to lose weigh and adopt a healthier lifestyle. She said it just might be fatty liver but to make sure it is anything worst cause my numbers are really high. I got referred to a liver specialist who I have an appointment with in three weeks. I don't drink alcohol at all so no worries with that.

Did you take Tylenol before the blood work? What are your levels? I have high ALT, yet all my tests showed my liver is normal. I guess my ALT numbers are high, but that is normal for my body.

If you have yellowing of the skin, and other symptoms then I would see a doctor immediately. But if you are concerned about a number, I would just not stress about it. Take some milk thistle, and eat healthy.

03-07-18, 03:34
I did not take a Tylenol. My AST is 124 and my ALT is 220. Which is just about the same as last years. Maybe a little bit elevated. People with fatty liver are usually not this high. What I think is happening is that my numbers might be high due to sludge on my gallbladder. So that in addition to fatty liver may be why my numbers are so high. And I don't have the other symptoms you mentioned. I forgot to mention the sludge on my gallbladder to this recent doctor.

11-01-19, 19:51
How did you get on with liver consultant?