View Full Version : Strange symptoms in vision after an ocular migraine

02-07-18, 23:56
Yesterday, I had an ocular migraine. I saw the zigzags, e.t.c. It went away and I got a terrible headache, which left me in discomfort for a lot of the day.

But afterwards, my central vision seems a little off. There is no visual problems like blindspots, it just seems a little less well defined, if you know what I mean.

I am near-sighted, astigmatism is on both sides as well as squint, which is the main reason I wear glasses. I'm 14 years old.

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this after ocular migraines? Thanks.

03-07-18, 00:33
You probably just have some residual light sensitivity. You're probably also hyperaware of your vision right now. Migraine with aura can be pretty nerve-racking, even when you know what to expect. They still stress me out, and I've been getting them for decades, since about your age actually. Try not to focus too hard on your vision. I know that's easier said than done. Everything will settle back down in a day or two.

03-07-18, 01:30
I second what melfish said. I had one last Thursday and I’m almost afraid it’ll come back for a few days I’m hypersensitive and I still feel like some lights are too bright and my eyes are a bit blurred at times. Less focused if you will.