View Full Version : Slightly worried about a permanent spot

03-07-18, 01:50

I can't say for sure how long, but I have had a small pink/reddish spot on the side of my nose from around the winter, so under a year. I didn't really think a lot of it when it appeared, I have had spots before (white ones) that have taken ages to disappear, so I thought I better just be patient. The spot appears to be underneath the skin, it is not palpable to the touch in any way, so I think it is under the skin. It really hasn't done anything to worry me other than bother me from a visual perspective as close up it is fairly visible.
Unfortunately, I have come across things saying that a harmless looking spot could be a sign of something more, and then I panicked like mad about leaving it for so long. I ended up reading about how the longer you leave it on the face the more extensive surgery would be and it really set my anxiety off, even though I cannot prove whether I have it or not.
Deep down I think it is likely something related to capillaries, I can't see veins around it as it is so small but I think I can see a very faint vein to the side, and it is under the skin... it doesn't look like an obvious burst blood vessel type of thing, but as I am very allergic I sneeze and rub my nose a lot, which I suspect could cause that kind of thing. Although I am pale, and fit all the types of people at risk of the worse skin stuff, I didn't really initially think of that, purely because although I have been burned on the face maybe twice, I am not a sun worshipper and since then have been very careful. I think it was just the whole 'it looked like an ordinary pimple' concept that bothered me, because mine looks very innocuous.
I haven't had anything like bleeding/itching etc, but the fact that the spot is still present after at least 5/6 months does bother me a little. Ages ago, I worried about a bump that had grown on my mole, and when I saw a doctor he actually got quite annoyed with me as though I was wasting his time, I think I am always a little torn between understanding whether my worry is for good reason or not.

I happen to have a derm appointment for eczema on the 31st July, and I was tempted to ask them about this whilst I was there, does that seem stupid or like a good idea, or will they look at me like I am a bit nuts?

18-07-18, 13:25
Hi there. I have the exact same thing at the moment and it's causing me anxiety too. I've made an appointment to see my doctor about it tomorrow, as unfortunately, the anxiety is not getting any better.

I recommend you ask about it in your appointment. It's better for peace of mind. I think most of these things are harmless/ benign, but always worth while checking. Ignore any doctor's attitude. I know this is easier said than done (I get it a lot too) but I make a small bucket list of other issues that makes it a little more worthwhile :) You can say something like "Oh, I also have this little thing. It's probably nothing, but could you check whilst I'm here?"

I know I worry more about skin issues during Summer. I'm fair skinned and have loads of moles. What helped me a little was finding a "Is it skin cancer?" chart with pictures that points out the warning signs you should be wary of. That way, I don't go and visit the doctor each time I panic about a mole slightly changing colour or shape! If it's still "safe", then I leave it and manage my anxiety as best I can.

As for my nose spot at the moment, I can't really tell from a chart and my anxiety is raging. Since it's not clear what it is, I'm seeing the doc!