View Full Version : Depersonailsation

30-07-07, 08:38
Hi all

I don't often post asking for help or advice as i do try to control my feelings and work them out myself but just lately i have had these weird feelings, it can happen anytime.
I can be washing up, making beds or just walking and all of a sudden it seems as though i'm doing it in slow motion and feel as though "i'm not here" so to speak.

is this depersonalisation ????? or am i just "losing it"

30-07-07, 10:04
Hi Nanny

This is depersonalization sweetie and there is no way you are Losing it, this is simply a tired mind , I know its a horrible sensation and can be very alarming but trust me if you can , when you get this feeling take 20 minutes lay down on the sofa and allow yourself some ME time relax, drop your shoulders and focus on slow breathing, This will help they symptoms to clear.

Good Luck sweetie Hope this helps


30-07-07, 10:19
Thanks Michelle

you have put my mind at rest a bit and i'll try and do what you suggest next time it happens:) Thanks:hugs:

30-07-07, 14:22
Hi Nanny

Youre definately not losing it. Its just depersonalization. When I get it I just accept it for what it is and ignore it. I then find it goes away.
Hope this helps.....lexxie

30-07-07, 14:27
I get it too, infact so do a lot of people who don't even suffer panic and anxiety.

Like all the other symptoms try and accept it then it will move on its way.

Love Piglet :flowers:

30-07-07, 14:31
Thanks all

but what i don't understand is why does it happen.................:shrug:

30-07-07, 15:38
Hello nanny!

(hey, not long now is it - September for your little grandaughter's arrival:flowers:isn't it?)

My guess is, and it really is only a guess, that this 'out of it' feeling may happen when our bodies and minds are telling us to slow down a bit!

I can get it sometimes when I'm at school engrossed in what I'm doing at the computer, at home watching tv or even when I'm talking to people. I've got so used to it now I don't really notice it - until someone posts on here and reminds me lol !! That's how much it is able to be ignored or dealt with - so be encouraged, you're not losing it !!

Good advice from Michelle Lexxie and Piglet,

Hope you feel better soon :)



30-07-07, 15:48

Thanks for reply and the hugs i need em at the moment :weep: feeling a bit low.

I don't know it will be a grandaughter yet coz the kids didn't want to know what they were having (lol listen to me kids... 30 and 27) so i'm having to wait more's the pity coz all the clothes i've bought so far is cream, cream, and cream lol. AND they have put the date back from 29th sept until 9th oct but my daughter in law is having none of that, she says she knows her dates..we'll see. i can't wait.

I don't work at the minute GG so how the hell i can slow down anymore i don't know. i don't sleep and i'm up each day around 4 a.m but sometimes have to have an hr in the afternoon coz i get a queer head , i can't win :shrug:

thanks for being there
love nannny xx

30-07-07, 16:14
Yep, my mistake nanny - I think it's Granny Primark who's having a little girlie (grandchild that is!)

Well, little 'uns will come when they're good and ready as we both know eh?

When I was having my third I was told the baby was too small for my dates - she arrived on the expected date........and weighed 9lbs 12oz !!! So you're d-in-law is probably the best judge!!

Hmm, peculiar time 4.00am isn't it? That's the time I used to wake up at - without fail no matter how early or late I went to bed. And there seem to be a lot like that who wake at that time - another common time seems to be 2.00am .

Yeah well, I was only guessing nanny - and it was true for me but then everyone is different. Are you not working outside the home at the moment through choice or are you on sick leave? Don't mean to sound too cliche but what do you do to pass the time?

PM me if you want and we can chat about granny stuff, little people and poopy nappies ok?

more hugs



30-07-07, 16:20
GG i am on incapacity but looking for work, work that my back allows me to do anyway, but when i had to have a medical for the benefit it was cos of my "moderately severe mental health illness" (their words) that kept me off work.

hated that title and it really got me down, after all it's anxiety so i don't think of myself as mental.

I will take you up on your offer to pm you, and shall probably sit down tomorrow or wed and write a book.................... :D

:hugs: :hugs:

31-07-07, 07:39

I look forward to exchanging novels with you nanny lol !!


31-07-07, 12:22
I get the DP/DR, unreality, the whole lot of it!! It is awful and frightens the hell out of me, but i am just taking a deep breathe and carrying on the best i can and eventually it does go off a little. Don't know what else to do about it either, i have been suffering with this for well over a year now, ever since the gp gave me seroxat but i only took it for a few weeks, thought i was literally going out of my mind with it. Then these unreal feellings started and they just won't go away. I am hoping that with time, they will eventually go, hoping so much!! At least we are not alone in this horrible symptom.xx

03-08-07, 18:52
It's nothing really to worry about. In fact worrying about it just increases the sensation. All that is happening is that you have become aware of your senses - mostly vision and movement.
We are normally are in a sort of 'automatic pilot' mode, where our senses just do their job and we are not aware of it.
Just try to forget about it and don't let it worry you and it will go away.

03-08-07, 22:07
Hiya Nanny, hope you are feeling better?

Dave:flowers: xx

03-08-07, 22:46
Tom that is a very good, quick and easy, explaination of it. I have explained myself to that many people and it is so difficult for them to understand what it is like when they have never suffered themselves. I manage to explain, but it always sounds complicated and 'weird', but your explaination was brill!x

04-08-07, 08:11
Hi all

well haven't had it again since sharing my worries!!!! bit queer that hey??

I think your explanations have put my mind at rest more and not thinking about it so much may have taken the edge of it.......hopefully.

So i am feeling a bit better where thats concerned anyway.

Thank you for being there, it's good to know when you need support you get it from here :hugs: :hugs: :flowers:

07-08-07, 02:38
To me this is the worst symptom of anxiety. The fact that i am not alone in feeling this way is so reassuring.
I found that just understanding why it was happening made it alot easier to deal with, then it didn't seem so scary.