View Full Version : slow heart beat

30-07-07, 11:28
Hi everyone, Just recently my husband has been taking his blood pressure reading alot (daily) ,so I have been doing the same :blush: , as usual my blood pressure is slightly low but my husband notised my pulse on the bottom screen, I got a reading of 49 beats per min :ohmy: .
My husband said it was probally a one off so we have been checking it everyday and its been 48 ,51,50,52 .
I looked it up online and its called Bradycardia when you heart beats less than 60 beats per min.

Should I tell my gp because my family have alot of heart problems ?

30-07-07, 18:37
Hi Mirry,

As well as going too fast my heart sometimes goes a slow as 47 (was 43 once), especially if I am very tired late at night or sat very relaxed. I have mentioned this to my gp and a cardiologist and neither were concerned. Many fit young people have a slow pulse but as I'm not fit it worried me, but I was told as long as I am not dizzy/fainting when it goes slow and as long as it's not slow all the time and as long as it got faster with exercise that it was perfeclty normal.

I can't comment on your particular situation or whether you personally need to see a doctor but if it puts your mind at rest it's worth asking. If I was you I would probably ask just to be sure. All I am saying is that sometimes a slow pulse is perfectly normal.

Lisa x

31-07-07, 08:22
Yes thats true Lisa , I am so unfit ,lol but do worry about my terrible dizzy spells, I am seeing a ear specialist soon and I cant help wonder is it my heart .

I will mention it on my next routine appointment., infact my gp is phoning me today about my pills so may ask her then.
thanks for your reply xxx

10-10-09, 21:37
Hi, I see this is a 2 year old thread but I ahve some concerns about bradycardia. My last year's holter monitor reports showed I had 60bpm night HR and 40ish as minimum for some minutes. And last month's report showed I had again like 40 HR for more than minutes at night. It had 10 times pauses for more than 2 seconds and once it went down to 30 for only a few seconds when these ectopic beats occured.
So I have ectopic beats (like 3rd beat missed out of 4) all the time (tho they didn't show up in holter report or the doctor did't recognize them when they happen during normal beats so they were not printed out detailed in the report.) with no dizziness or fainting and as some mentioned my pulse runs to over 100's like 120 150 or even 180 when I'm walking fast enough. Having these slow beats together with fast ones worries me. Sometimes when I wake up I feel my heart skipping, it doesn't seem fearful for me but that just worries me and makes me feel my heart will eventually stop after these skips.
Also I have the urge to burp but I can't let it out, it accumulates in my stomach and they come out in one big burp or sometimes constant silent and little burps.
Do you have any suggestions?

11-10-09, 13:12
I have posted about this recently. My heart rate seems really slow sometimes (in the 30s) and also get the odd ectopic beat. The doc sent me for ecg and it came back normal apart from bradychardia which doc put down to Atenolol (beta blocker) that I take for high bp. As I have recently lost weight and got fitter she said the dose needed adjusting downwards so I'm now taking 25mg instead of 50mg. Heartrate seems to have gone up a bit but if it doesn't go up enough I think she's going to change my tablets to something else. She said it was nothing to worry about (although typically I did) and to carry on as normal.
Hope this helps.