View Full Version : Leg issues/worries after accident at work

03-07-18, 22:23
So, long story short. About two weeks ago, I had a accident in work that resulted in me having so really nasty bruising on my leg. Like the whole area swelled up and everything but I didn't go to the doctor because as far as I could tell it was painful but it seemed fine? Like It was swore of course but I wouldn't have been able to walk around if it was broken.

The bruising is mainly gone now, but the last few days. It's been very tender to touch. Today the area seemed very hot to touch, not the same on the other side. Also pressing at it (silly I know, but I have a form of OCD so I become obsessive and can't stop.) I kinda felt lumps there?

It's also been swore to walk on the leg...but in different area. I've used therapy stuff to try and talk myself around it. Saying the area is still just healing or something. I'm not like laying on the ground in a panic attack like I have been before, yet my fears are a little heighten.

04-07-18, 02:00
You badly bruised your leg. It’s healing, yet still a bit sore. Nothing more, nothing less.

04-07-18, 20:44
You badly bruised your leg. It’s healing, yet still a bit sore. Nothing more, nothing less.

Thank you for the reply! I know I'm over thinking it! I feel a lot better today actually

04-07-18, 20:50
It is totally fine - when you hurt, a lot of tiny blood vessels burst and released blood - hence your bruise (it coloured the skin) and swelling. Now the trauma is subsiding, the leg is healing - your bruise fades, but since you're not quite there yet, a bit of swelling remains - hence the lumps.

All in all - your leg is healing just fine and be prepared that for the bruise/swelling to completely disappear it can sometimes take a couple of weeks. However, it is a totally normal, totally harmless, totally benign process :)

04-07-18, 21:53
It is totally fine - when you hurt, a lot of tiny blood vessels burst and released blood - hence your bruise (it coloured the skin) and swelling. Now the trauma is subsiding, the leg is healing - your bruise fades, but since you're not quite there yet, a bit of swelling remains - hence the lumps.

All in all - your leg is healing just fine and be prepared that for the bruise/swelling to completely disappear it can sometimes take a couple of weeks. However, it is a totally normal, totally harmless, totally benign process :)

Thank you so much for replying! I suppose it was a nasty enough accident that my mind went into over-drive about it.