View Full Version : Does anxiety prematurely age you

04-07-18, 01:20
I’m really been extremely sad past week my anxiety is all time high and I was wondering if the myth is true that anxiety causes premature aginn? I don’t think it’s fair because of a chemical imbalance I should get wrinkles early. I’m very anxious about looking old before I’m actually old.

04-07-18, 20:17
Stress can. I am not sure if Anxiety releases the same chemicals/stuff that causes the ageing though.

But the biggest thing you can do to fight skin ageing is to wear broad spectrum suncream. One which blocks UVA as well as UVB. The sun is the biggest cause of premature ageing, then good diet and drinking water, less sugar intake and exercise.

Maybe anxiety does or doesn't age you but you can do so much outside of it that you'll look younger than your years anyway.

04-07-18, 20:20
I have an old relative who is quite often anxious but looks very young for their age.

04-07-18, 20:21
Anxiety is almost never a chemical imbalance, it's a habitual way of thinking 99% of the time.

Anything that puts stress on your body will age you, including over exercising and over-working etc etc.

The best thing you can do is actually learn relaxation techniques, meditate, go for walks, eat well etc. All that will add up to a speedier recovery.

04-07-18, 20:29
I'd say lack of exercise probably ages someone more.

04-07-18, 20:32
I'm old, had an anxiety disorder all my life but don't look too wizened and lined!! It's the luck of the draw-look after your skin, eat well and don't stay out in the sun for prolonged periods