View Full Version : This is it for me

04-07-18, 02:40
I had my yearly blood work done and my doctor said I was ok and sent me home with a print out of my blood work. My iron is high it’s at 333 my bilirubin is at 22 but what terrorfies me the most is he did a cancer marker on me it’s called a beta2 globulins and normal is 2.0 - 5.0 and mine is 5.6. So this is the end of the road for me I can’t breethe I can’t do anything and I’ll never accept that I have cancer

04-07-18, 02:54
Doctors can't steight up lie to your face and tell you your OK and for it not to be ture. Your fine, relax :)

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04-07-18, 03:15
You seem so sure of yourself. Why? What evidence do you have that the doctor doesn't?

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04-07-18, 03:56
Might be because I see what that last test is for , if it was ok it wouldn’t show an above average level. I can’t find anything on the internet that says it’s anything other then cancer

04-07-18, 04:04
I did a quick Google and dehydration came up first. Also other not serious things.

I understand your fear though, my platelets keep coming back elevated and googling has terrified me.

04-07-18, 04:07
I’m far from an expert, nor have I ever heard of this test, but I have to agree with fma, I can’t imagine a doctor straight up lying to you, telling you you’re fine with a test result screaming cancer.

04-07-18, 04:28
Don't worry about it. Doctors can't tell you you're fine if they even have a small doubt that you aren't. They could be sued for malpractice for millions.

04-07-18, 04:39
Thank you all, it’s just scary and I have never heard of this test either that’s why I googled it and for me it came up multiple myeloma , lymphoma or leukima ! So scary

04-07-18, 05:01
What separates doctors from the rest of us is experience and education. Sure, Google might tell you this test means cancer. But your doctor has analyzed that result in conjunction with all the others, which Dr Google doesn’t allow. Additionally, maybe he’s had 200 patients in his career with a similar result and none have had cancer. These are the things Google can’t explain.

04-07-18, 11:21
Thank you all, it’s just scary and I have never heard of this test either that’s why I googled it and for me it came up multiple myeloma , lymphoma or leukima ! So scary

What qualifies you to medically diagnose yourself via a Google search that outranks what a Doctor with at least 7 years medical training and the resulting on the job experience has?

Google nosebleed - Cancer
Google itchy elbow - Cancer
Google eye twitch - Cancer
Google sore poop - Cancer

You will find whatever it is your anxiety is looking for, which in each and every case is danger. Your anxiety is trying to warn you of danger, that doesn't exist. That is the dilemma that those who suffer with anxiety are faced with.

07-07-18, 20:23
I can’t help it I try to take everyone’s advice but having the beta 2 globulins high even by 0.6 scares me to death. It says myeloma, leukaemia or lymphoma marker. I can’t funtion and I have no answers

07-07-18, 20:39
Why don't you go back and ask them then?

I don't agree with reassurance seeking but it seems you need it in this case or you won't move on.

12-07-18, 14:02
So now I have had blood work done to check for multiple myeloma. It’s been three days since the blood work and no results yet. I’m sick with worry I can’t work I just cry and get that sick feeling in my stomach. Everything I look online shows That beta2 globulin is almost a sure sign a person has myeloma. I feel like I have already died.

12-07-18, 15:49
Can you call them and get the results early?

I'm pretty sure the lab would call you right away if something was seriously out of whack. They're not going to let you sit around with a life-threatening diagnosis.

12-07-18, 23:20
Blood tests are firstly showing a snapshot of your bloodwork at a point in time and will vary throughout the day even. The ranges considered “normal” are based on average population readings and can also vary based on individual and even the lab doing the test. The range is there for a reference but your doctor is a trained professional who looks at multiple things to judge if there is anything abnormal. Your slightly elevated reading clearly didn’t cause any concern as taken together with other indicators it was considered normal. Relax and trust the doc, you’re ok!

13-07-18, 01:44
So now I have had blood work done to check for multiple myeloma. It’s been three days since the blood work and no results yet. I’m sick with worry I can’t work I just cry and get that sick feeling in my stomach. Everything I look online shows That beta2 globulin is almost a sure sign a person has myeloma. I feel like I have already died.

Not actually the case. My aunt has myeloma and had nothing like that in her blood when she was diagnosed.

13-07-18, 02:08
How old are you? People are usually over 65 when they get this

13-07-18, 03:02
Lisa I'm sorry to hear you're feeling low, but I'm sure as what your doctor has said that you're totally fine. Look I'm not telling you this just to make you feel better, but when I was 17 I got tested for a lot of things, bloodworks, ct scans, ultrasounds. Bloodwork was normal execpt for one thing: low albuming high globulin count. My gp didn't say anything more than just go eat more egg whites and didn't seem concerned. But as a curious 17 year old with HA, went to google to see what those only "abnormal" results and guess what google told me? That I had some sort of cancer, specifically myeloma multiple and another one I can't remember, I was worried about that of course and thinking my doctors missed something like some always do, but It's been 5 years after that and thank God I'm still here. Last year I repeated those protein tests and they were at normal levels! There soooooo many reasons why you had those results, don't focus on cancer dear, like Melfish said above it could be due to dehydration! This might sound like a conspiracy theory lol but it's like google knows about our condition and pops up everything we fear... You'll be okay, you ARE ok��