View Full Version : Association with past places/memories etc

04-07-18, 11:10

Been struggling the last week as I can't seem to dissociate my thoughts form being triggered by the past - places I've been, smells, fragrances, people. Memories get triggered (some nice), but then I can't just be in the present with a clear head. A sort of wistfulness takes over. Mindfulness is
hard as a result, especially when I feel so tired all the time.

I want to move on and not keep living in the past, getting frightened of how much time has passed when such memories feel like everything happened yesterday.

Getting panicky and bogged down. I want to be able to look ahead and enjoy the present, but I can't. There's also an over-analysis of things that have happened which means my brain can't be clear, and then a sort of "What's the point?" feeling takes over.

Amy ideas how to deal with this? It's a bit existential, I know, but it's becoming a problem. I was OK for a few weeks, but am suffering again and each day is a struggle. That scares me too - just when I think I'm getting better, the condition of anxiety/low self-esteem/inferiority takes a hold and intensifies.

Yes, on medication, have counselling and group therapy etc. Still struggling at the mo.
