View Full Version : Cough....anxiety or something else??

04-07-18, 12:14
So I’ve had a stupid nagging cough now for around 4 weeks. No sore throat, don’t feel Ill.
It just catches me every now and again and makes me cough, nothing comes up no phlegm. I try to drink plenty of water.
I had a chest X-ray 4 weeks ago (something else ) and that came back clear.
Has anyone else had this? I’m worried

04-07-18, 13:17
I have. When I worry about getting a cough, I get a cough. Thinking about it now, I’m starting to get a tickle in my throat! And then if you cough it damages delicate membranes in your trachea and makes the cough worse.

Also could be hay fever or post nasal drip etc...

04-07-18, 19:11
I have had the same thing. It’s on and off and some days are better than others. I’ve noticed this weird feeling in my throat whenever it does happen. I’m thinking acid reflux since I’ve had MANY issues with GERD in the past. Apparently GERD is one of the leading causes of a persistent cough.

05-07-18, 10:03
Thanks for your replies
Thing is this cough NEVER wakes me at night, through the night I don’t cough at all just don’t understand why it’s been going on so long

05-07-18, 10:29
Also acid reflux can cause a cough and acid reflux is made worse by stress and anxiety