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View Full Version : Terrified of Chiropractic Stroke

04-07-18, 20:03
First time posting here and I have suffered from health anxiety for most of my life. I have been seeing a Chiro for about 5 weeks to try to help tight/stiff neck and back that I have had for years. I saw a different Chiro about 10 years ago and had no issues. I have had in the back of my mind since beginning treatment the thought of a Chiro causing a stroke and although I know its unlikely, my health anxiety is causing me problems. Monday I had a little bit of vertigo which I attributed to allergies. I had an adjustment this Tuesday and allowed the Dr. to do the cervical manipulation on my neck as he has done every time. He is very gentle and to me the maneuver doesn't utilize a high range of motion nor does it seem very forceful. I had no ill effects afterwards even though I was already feeling off, nothing felt odd during the manipulation at all. The treatment is combined with a massage afterwards which also focused on my neck/head. It is Thursday and the past few days I have been in a panic. My neck is somewhat stiff but nothing out of the ordinary, but I feel foggy and my eyes feel puffy (like when I am suffering from allergies). I am having a lot of pressure in my head/ears and congestion up in my sinuses. A feeling of being off. It seems to me I am having a case of bad allergies as I have had many times before. The stiff/tight neck is also normal for me. But I cant help but think I have a vertebral artery dissection. I cannot stop googling articles about those who have had strokes after Chiro visits which I know is the worst thing to do. I am having no stroke-like symptoms and would think I would KNOW if I had a VAD... nonetheless my anxiety is unrelenting and I think making my symptoms worse. I have been seeing the Chiro for at least 5 weeks and the entire time have had moments of anxiety on whether or not I should continue going. Now that I am feeling this way I may stop. Looking for anyone to help me think rationally!

04-07-18, 21:41
Well rationally, you haven’t had a stroke. You have written down the reasons that you haven’t had a stroke. So, you haven’t.

The pollen count is sky high at the moment, I don’t suffer from hayfever and it’s still affecting me. People with allergies are miserable. That’s a fact, the weather reports will tell you that.

A good way to stop your spiral is by writing it down and talking about it. You’ve done that, how do you feel now you’ve written it down?

Do you have anything to do tomorrow that could divert your anxiety? Do you follow any relaxation techniques? Have you read the articles on here?

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07-07-18, 05:22
Okay. So..

I visit the chiropractor once a week... to be honest...he saved me and continues to
Keep me in a place where I’m able to keep my full-time career in photography.

I have costochondritis... tens of drs told me it will never go away, take Advil.. oh it’s just a little inflammation... through tons of research I found a chiro.... who healed me.. I was to the point where I couldn’t do anything.

I will be honest I too worry about VAD or have in the past... honestly people like me and you probably naturally would cause.. well hello look what website we are on. To be honest I had a conversation with him, and told him look... I don’t want to hinder you- but I want you to stop cracking my neck... for the sake of my anxiety..

Now my story is a bit different than yours as a lot of stuff stems from my back... but I have found I stil get stuff neck etc... I use a cervical pillow, do yoga, apply heat and ice to my neck and I will say.. it helps. Maybe ask if there is a different method like the activator... maybe your problems stem from lower in the cervical vertebrae or thoracic... I will say since doing yoga I went from 1/ week to now once a month... look into it.. it changed my life.

You don’t have VAD.. most people who get that would know within the first half hour...trust me I know where you are... ive sat at my ddibner table before thinking My throat was closing in... you probably have triggered occipital neruralgia.. which I did after having vertigo and nursing my neck... worst thing I could do.. use a heating pad.. it helps... just a few alternates...

08-07-18, 06:33
I had this same anxiety.

I went to a chiro for my neck and because I was so tense I probably wasn’t relaxed when he did the adjustments. I was also hyper focused on my neck area. I had a strange feeling in my throat for weeks, and I was worried sick something had happened to my nerves in the area.

A friend of mine (an icu nurse) actually has a coworker who DID have a stroke from a chiro adjustment. However she was in bad shape. She is fine now. You most definitely are imagining these symptoms - if you had a stroke you’d know. And I say this with the utmost empathy because I was in your shoes last year sick with worry. But now that it’s been awhile I can look back and realize it was all my anxiety. So, I do not recommend you see the chiro anymore ESPECIALLY if it’s going to cause you anxiety anyway. I think 80% of chiro work is mental, so if you’re going to be anxious I don’t think it’s going to do you any good. Especially if you can’t relax during treatment. Can you see a massage therapist instead? I’m only saying this because I’m not convinced chiro does much good especially in the neck region.