View Full Version : Help please

04-07-18, 21:09
Hi all,
I decided to post here because i do not know what to do anymore and depression/anxiety is getting me. It all started a year and a half ago, i started to have nausea and upper right side pain (gallblader, pancreas , liver, lung?), and at some point i shed some weight without reason (from 105kg to 82kg) . I went to see a GP they made a gastroscopy and ruled out H Pylori and GERD. After the H Pylori treatment i gained partially back my weight that stabilized at ~100kg. Time passed by and i started to feel tired and my right side pain never went away, it progressed with time, and became a chronic gnawing, discomfort. Sometimes it feels like a dull pressure that can be painful at times and can be triggered sometimes by moving my torso in a specific way, i travels from chest to back. After taking Omnzoprazole i decided to go back to see a doctor, they gave me Dexilant and a abdominal ultrasound which was all clear. The PPIs doesnt seem to work and my lifestyle changed, i feel sloppy and lazy i could lay down all day and do nothing ( usually im very active). Now i got tired of feeling sloppy so i went back to see a doctor AGAIN, and he would swear that this is GERD or a muscle problem, i asked for a chest scan, he refused and said that im too young to worry about cancer (im a 26 year old male smoker), he prescribed a muscle relaxant and more PPIs. So after this last visit i feel depressed, my social life took a toll, i dont care about my appearance anymore and i don't feel like doing anything. It ruins my life and it tortures me physically and mentally because at this point I'm convinced that i may have cancer.... Please advise im terrified and depressed.... Thank you for reading this....

05-07-18, 00:37
I see this is your first post. You'll find some great information and articles as well as self help. Along with the resources, you'll see many who have gone through very similar circumstances.

From reading your post, it's like so many others here in the anxiety patterns it follows and top that off with depression which you admit to. As far as advice? Are you getting any real life help with your anxiety? Like I said, there are self help modules here in the pinned threads but you have to have the inner fortitude and motivation to do them, and it's obvious you're struggling with that right now.

Positive thoughts