View Full Version : Anxiety about being poisoned

04-07-18, 21:29
I don't have a severe fear of being randomly poisoned in general but I recently had an incident at a coffee shop where a customer grabbed my order by accident and returned it to pick up their drink a few minutes later. I didn't think too much of it in the moment and didn't want to make any issue of it so I just drank it. Later in the day I started worrying that maybe they could have put something harmful like a poison in it when they took it outside. I didn't feel sick that day and I never really hear of random people being intentionally poisoned (other than the Tylenol murders in the 80's) so I know I am probably being irrational. Even so, I keep worrying that something could have been put in the drink. Part of it is probably hypochondria.

So, am I being really irrational here? Should I not even worry about such a thing? But mainly, how do you stop obsessing about worries like this?

Thanks in advance for any help!

04-07-18, 21:47
Well yes, you’re being irrational, but I understand.
I’m no expert, but the way you get over those kind of fears is to ignore them. Drink the drink, prove your negative thought a liar.

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12-07-18, 07:14
I get so frustrated because I worry even after I drink it and don't get sick. I keep wondering in the back of my head that it did some damage that I don't know about yet. Is this maybe just a form of hypochondria?

14-07-18, 04:37
I have had this before. Totally anxiety. I get what you're saying about it doing damage. But it's not. It's completely anxiety!!