View Full Version : Anyone have Gastro troubles when starting lexapro?

05-07-18, 08:33
I’m guessing I’ve encountered a bad side effect. Horrible severe gas pains hit tonight and diarrhea as well. I prescribed 10mg and am on my second day. Curious if this sounds like a side effect. I know nausea can be - wasn’t sure abou the other ones. Thanks!

05-07-18, 10:04
I’ve been on escitalopram for about 3 months now. I did get horrible nausea, but also lots of wind! I’ve never been a burper, but I was on this drug at the beginning and my husband thought it was hilarious.

As for the other end, each visit to the loo was a surprise. Stools changing in nature all the time.

Hope yours settles down quickly.

12-07-18, 02:55
Yes, I definitely had gastro issues when starting. Mine lingered for a few weeks, off and on. Always just in the morning.

Once I increase up to 10 mg, I'm sure I'll be spending some time in the bathroom in the mornings again;-)!

16-09-18, 00:37
It is a side effect. First time I took it I got stomach cramps then I nearly blacked out before being carried to the toilet. I was fine after putting my head between my legs and getting the blood flow back. But that happened only once. I think it was when I made the jump from 10mg to 20mg. It was a long time ago. If you eat when you take it you may find less of an issue with your stomach, I did.

18-09-18, 01:27
I'm on the 4th day of lexapro 15mg. I have a strong burning in the esophagus and part of the chest. This is normal?