View Full Version : Dislocated knee?

Clydesdale Epona
05-07-18, 17:20
Sorry guys me again :(

I was stepping into the house about 10 minutes ago and my left leg slipped a little bit going in, my right leg was planted firmly on the ground and I felt some pain but carried on,

I can't see any abnormalities still looks and feels like my other bone wise, hurts a bit, achey especially at top,
Not the most pain I've been in, I'd say a 5-6 while moving.

I did read on the NHS website if it dislocates it often pops back in place but I'm worried that if mine is it won't, I can't get transport to A and E so would have to waste an ambulances time and don't want to have to do that :(

05-07-18, 17:36
Has something happened to cause this spurt of posting?

It really would be useful if you started a more generic thread where you could post all your worries.

And deep down I think you know that your knee is not dislocated.

If it were I doubt you would be in a fit state to post on here, so at least all is good there :)

Clydesdale Epona
05-07-18, 17:50
I'd imagine the parents going on holiday, it's like I had the reassurence that if I hurt myself I could get to A and E but now I can't because I can't drive, so bus to minor injuries at day or ambulance to A and E are my only options so my mental state is kind of in "what about certain things that are enough for A and E but not for an ambulance?" in my mind I think I'll just have to die and so I panic about these things because what if it is dislocated and I can't get anyway? " my brain instantly goes to death x

05-07-18, 19:21
If you can walk ok then you’re ok. You could put some ice on it if it looks swolllen. Otherwise keep it rested, you’ll be fine.

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05-07-18, 20:37
So you think a dislocated knee just pops back into place and you can go on happily. Have you ever seen a dislocated knee? Even, if by some incredible fluke, you had dislocated it, you wouldn't be typing away merrily on your keyboard.

It swells to about 3 or 4 times it's normal size, is excruciating, and you cannot walk on it. Oh, and it bruises spectacularly.

You'd be in hospital by now. How do I know? It's happened to me

06-07-18, 08:21
Understanding the underlying fear is a great start.

In reality if you were so badly injured that you required immediate assistance the ambulance service would have no problem in transporting you to hospital.

You will be fine
