View Full Version : Blood toilet paper - colon cancer ?

06-07-18, 00:41
Ok, So this is my SECOND TIME POSTING THIS, I am sorry. I am happy with the responses from my last post, and if they come up positively this time also, I will not post about it again. Please let me get another opinion on this. I did everything in the real life to get diagnosis, so a little bit of internet support wont harm me.

Hi, I am 19 years old and one month ago, I had two episodes of rectal bleeding. One was on monday, other one on wednesday. It was during a week, when the weather was really hot outside, I did not drink much, and the stools were coming not hard, but pretty sharp - they were soft with a lot of very hard and sharp little pieces. Both presented as a very little bit of very bright red blood on the toiler paper. The blood was there only for a wipe or two. I did not pay attention to it that much. During the second episode I looked on the stool and saw some red streaks, so I thought I also had blood on/in the actual stool. I was in a hurry so could not examine it.

Anyway, since that I was in panic mode, I paid attention to all my stools (I always examined them with a popstick - disguisting i know, but when my health is in play I dont care). No blood. The first step towards diagnosis I decided to take was an abdominal ultrasound because I found that it does have a role, is very quick, and could detect something abnormal at least on the liver or in the nodes - (This link - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7318810_The_value_of_abdominal_ultrasound_in_the_d iagnosis_of_colon_cancer) . The ultrasound came out ok, I talked aboutit with the doc for a bit and he said I should go for a sigmoidscopy because it the blood was on the paper, blood red etc. So I went for the sigmoidscopy, which was also inserted 25 cm into the sigmoid colon (I read that when insrted the sigmoid colon is about 30-35 cm long ?) so I think the doc has seen it full almost. He again found nothing, but said I have grade 1 hemmoroids (I think he lied, because I did not see anything like hemmoroids on the screen, I guess he wanted to make a diagnosis and did not want to do a colonoscopy because I am 19). I obviously did not listen to him, and went for a colonoscopy, which was 6 days ago. I had a very good bowel prep., it was done at an acredited place by a licensed endoscopist who also works in a hospital which is rated no. 1 in my country in terms or gastro. She found completely nothing, the procedure lasted about 26 minutes, I was also looking at the screen at times, she even said NO HEMMOROIDS. So after we talked about it, and she said the blood was probably some irritation. The colonoscopy was exactly 29 days after my symptoms started.

However yersterday, at 1 AM (it was a similar week as the one when my symptosm started) I had the blood again. My anus was itching for the whole day before this happened. I played a lot of football with a lot of hard ball kicking on the day and day before of bleeding. This time I decided to examine it very closely. The blood came after third or a fourth wipe. Before that , I had a little red on the toilet paper, which I thought was carrot, but then after that wipe more red came out. After that I tried to wipe more and did not see blood, so I went deeper around the anus, and managed to find a bit more. Very little was there also after I wiped all the stool. However it did not seem as it was coming from somewhere, because the amount of blood was not increasing. However it was very bright red. Then I examined the stools and saw the same exact red streaks as last time, but guess what, they were pieces of carrot, which made me realize that even first time there was PROBABLY no blood in the stool. Only on the toilet paper. There were some unproccessed blueberries in the stool.

Here are photos (only toilet paper) so if you really want to get into this case you can take a look :D:


So now I am here, 19 angry about colon cancer few days after my colonoscopy. I really hoped that the day of my colonoscopy I would know 100% if I am healthy or not, but I guess I would want too much. I read that there is a miss rate of , of like 3% , but the studies were weird, also included office colonoscopies, colonoscopies done by internists or general docs etc.. Also said that the miss rate significantly increases with age, more polyps, previous polyp removal, and other colon disease. However I also read studies of 0% miss rate or 0,5% miss rate. I emailed the owner of the place where I had my colonoscopy done (He is probably the second best gastroenterologist in my country, that why I went to that place, because it has great reviews etc..) about the miss rate in our country or at his place (he did not email back yet). He does have an article on the internet about interval colon cancer and rate of about 0,5%, but this is after polyp removal, so I dont think it really suits my case.

So my questions are...

Is it possible for a little fissure to present itself like that ?

Could hemmoroids maybe dissapear or become smaller between the intervals of my colonoscopy, sigmoidscopy and symptoms presentation ?

Would you think colonoscopy would really miss my cancer ?

Could this be cancer ?

I had bleeding 29 days before colonoscopy, would a tumor heal itself in that time, because if not, it would be easier to see....

The last and least realistic scenario, is it possible for this to be food maybe ? I do eat a of fruist and vegetables and I really ate shit load of red ones at that time (I know this is not realisticly possible though lol :D)

To be honest, the fact that there was no blood in the stool or on it, and that it was very bright red makes me quite calm. However I think that there is too little for it to be something like a little fissure or a hemmoroid. Also how I said, no more blood came out after I wiped a few times - if there was a fissure or hemmoroid it would continue to bleed more no ?

I am very , and angry because of these symptoms and the fact that I did everyting for it to get diagnosed properly. I have always been a big hypochondriac and this is really annoying. The chance of me having cancer at this age in my country is about 1 in 750000 or one in a milion (if I count peopole of all ages). Now if I count with the colonoscopy miss rate, the chance of colonscopy actually missing my cancer is that it would happen once in 3 years to a person of my age. (I am Czech the incidence of colon cancer here is really high, but in a population of 10,5 milion, about once in 3 years it would mathematically happen that colonoscopy would miss a cancer at the age of of 0-19). Couting with miss rate or 4%

06-07-18, 01:42
Itching is a symptom of hemmoroids. They shrink when they are not irritated. It's extremely unlikely that a colonoscopy would miss cancer.

06-07-18, 05:28
That's an intense post. While I was reading it, I could see it being part of a textbook as an example of several aspects of mental illness. The OCD aspects alone were intense.

Your post history shows the multitude of medical tests and different doctors all telling you you're physically fine is overwhelming but mentally is another story I'm afraid.

Picking your crap out of the toilet to examine and posting photos of a piece of toilet paper you wiped your rear end with is one of the more extreme behaviors I've seen on the boards. I ain't lookin' either! :lac: (someone else posted a poo pic recently :scared15:) This is something that is definitely not normal behavior.

You're 19 years old! You shouldn't be suffering like this. You should be out enjoying your life as this time of your life should be a glorious time. To life it as if your dying is sad :weep:

Are you doing anything to help yourself? Therapy? Meds?... If not, I HIGHLY recommend it!

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

06-07-18, 18:29
I hope my experiences help to calm you down some. I first had blood on my toilet paper when I was 9. I am approaching 30 now, and have never had a colonoscopy. I think if it was cancer, I would know by now. I have had blood when I wiped on and off since that first time I noticed it. It will be there one day, gone the next, and back the next day. It seems to completely tied to the size/hardness/etc. of the stool. It is also tied to stress. When I was in college I had a good month or two where I cried every time I had to go. There were times that the blood wasn't just there when I wiped, but also in the bowl turning the water red as well. This was over 5 years ago that it was that bad.

Anyway, I share that to say that is perfectly possible to have anal bleeding without it being cancer. Since I eat healthier and am less stressed now, I notice it happens way, way less than it used to. I've gone months without it happening now. I would try to relax. Find an exercise you enjoy. I just love a brisk walk. Listen to calming music. Take a week long break from the Internet. Plan some activities you enjoy. See if that helps. Again, anal bleeding does not necessarily mean cancer. I hope you can get over your worry.