View Full Version : Advice or help needed

30-07-07, 20:39
Hi all.I'm new to this site so would appreciate any advice or help with the following problem.I'm a 41yr old man who's suffered from anxiety/panic attacks since i was 16 but fortunately i've not succumbed to taking tranquillizers as i love to run and go to the gym so it's this what i believe has kept me from seeing my doctor.Now the problem is that in the last 2mths the symptons have got worse especially my thumping heartbeat which i can feel all over my body 24/7.Ok it's not going fast(unless i have a panic attack)but nevertheless it is very disturbing not least when trying to relax or getting sleep.I've also been getting what i would assume as tension in my chest which is making me think that i'm having an heart attack wherever i am.Silly i know.This latest episdoe could have been triggered by the sudden death of a very close work colleague then only a week later another sudden death of a social friend and this news in turn has had a knock on effect on my mind and body to the extent that i'm constantly thinking negative thoughts about life,can't concentrate,don't want to wake up in the mornings and so on.The list is endless.Now tackling 1 problem at a time i would like any advice on whether i should see my doctor about my thumping heartbeat or just try to ignore it as i've had this since my late teens and have just lived with it.I would hate to think this is some underlying medical problem which i have had for the past 20yrs.Sorry for the long post.All help appreciated.

30-07-07, 21:35
Hello Runningman66 :welcome:to you!

Crikey, that's a cartload of stuff that's happened to you recently.

I would say go and see your doc just for peace of mind - but the symptoms you describe appear to be common anxiety symptoms....and not surprising with what you've been through.

You'll make good friends here and find plenty of help and support I'm sure!


30-07-07, 21:52

I would suggest going to see your Dr for peace of mind too. I lost 2 people very close to me suddenly & had similar symptoms but kept putting off going to the Dr & I regret that now. Even just talking about it is a start.

Look after yourself


30-07-07, 22:04
Thanx for such swift advice.Am feeling bit better now all thanx to you nice people:hugs:

31-07-07, 00:20
Hi Runningman66.

I have to agree with the others in that going to your Doctor is not a bad idea because at least you will have peace of mind. I'm sure nothing will be wrong, but at least if you are told that by a Doctor, the anxiety will decrease a little. I think that it is normal for your anxiety to increase with the news that you have had regarding your friends. Even people who do not live with high levels of anxiety would find this news hard to digest & would make them question their own health.

I hope this helps. Welcome to the forum.

31-07-07, 20:04
Hi and :welcome: aboard.

Lovely to see you here.

31-07-07, 22:00
Hello Runningman,
Welcome I Would Go To The Docs Since Ya Have Had It Since You Were 16 But Im Sure Its Anxiety,i Dont Know When The Last Time Ya Seenya Doc But Its Good Anyways At Our Age To Have A Check Up At Least Once A Yr....wish Ya The Best......linda