View Full Version : hormone imbalance and anxiety-one for the girls!!!

geordie flower
30-07-07, 20:55
Hiya, I was wondering if anyone had heard of a link with having anxiety/panic and hormone levels? Ive been googling :wacko: and there seems to be a link between them. This could totally be the answer to my prayers as my anxiety began 3 months after my last contraception injection and ive also had lots of other symptoms that seem to point to me having hormone problems such as irregular periods, spotting, mood swings, abdominal cramps, sore breasts, acne, tiredness, no interest in sex what so ever! :blush: Can anyone else relate to any of this? thanks for reading tracey :) x

30-07-07, 21:11
Hi Tracey,

Yes I can relate to this, ever since I stopped taking my contraceptive pill cos my husband had a vasectomy I haven't quite felt right e.g sore breasts, mood swings, migraines etc. After numerous visits to the doctors and a night in A & E due to a panic attack i was diagnosed with anxiety and depression but i find that my periods have shortened in length, used to be 32 to 35 days now 26 to 28 days and very painful, very sore breasts and totally paranoid. I have asked my doc if he thinks the anxiety etc is linked to hormones and he says i might be perimenopausal, i am only 39, so at present i am taking merbervine for ibs, lansprasole for gastric reflux and citalopram 20mg as an anti depressant. I still think that it is hormonal though cos I was a very healthy person before i came of the pill.. I would ask your doc for a blood test cos they can find out your hormonal levels.

geordie flower
30-07-07, 21:22
hiya, thanks for yor reply, i am going to the docs on wed and im gonna ask if they can send me for a hormone level test, there def does seem a connection with the two, ive been keeping a diary since jan and my anxiety always seems worse round the time of my period altho since feb my cycles been all ova the place sometimes having 2 periods a month! Lets hope hormones are to blame and then i can hopefully begin some sort of recovery, thanks again tracey x

30-07-07, 21:53
Try this post ..


Also scroll right down to the bottom of this page and read all the "Similar threads" - quite a few there.

Happy reading.

31-07-07, 00:26
Hi Tracey,

Yes I think hormones play a huge role in anxiety. I had terrible anxiety after my 2nd child was born & was told it was depression & panic disorder and we all know women's hormones are all over the place after having a baby. Also, when my period is due & for the 1st day or so my anxiety levels go really high. Also, in recent years I have met 2 women who started getting anxiety and panic attacks when they were going through menopause (both had never experienced this before). It's got to be a contributing factor.

31-07-07, 05:13
Our thyroid controlls hormones on our body also. Have you had yours checked?

05-08-07, 17:28
Hi Tracey,
just wanted to let you know that I have been tracking my cycle & symptoms for 7 months now & I have seen a definite increase in anxiety symptoms during days 1-8 of my cycle & again around mid-cycle. My symptoms during these times seem to be much more severe with lots of different stuff going on eg: panic attacks, anxiety, feeling uneasy, hot flushes, palpitations, feeling shaky, light-headed & irritable. On day 4 of my cycle-almost like clockwork-I feel really depressed & tearful but then the next day I'm fine again!! Weird!! The rest of the month it seems to calm down quite a bit.
I should tell you that I'm actually peri-menopausal but I think whenever women get hormone imbalances their anxiety etc can be triggered.
I have also heard lots of women say it happens after giving birth too.
Hope this helps!
Seffie xxi

geordie flower
05-08-07, 17:45
Hiya thanks for yor replys, i got my blood test results back and they were all normal, my thyroid, hormone levels, pro lactin(watever that is) iron levels etc but i do notice i do seem more anxious and panicky around my period, god isnt it great being a woman! lol tracey x

06-08-07, 10:58
Definitely a link there! As much as PMS for some people, I have noticed a pattern of feeling increased 1symptoms of anxiety more the week before my period.

I have been taking a Well Woman vitamin supplement with primrose oil and plenty of magnesium and calcium. These help with emotions and also make my symptoms much better!

22-03-18, 06:38
Its quite a common in the age of 15 and above.fertilemd supplements are doing best to recover from it.have a healthy life.

07-04-18, 03:58
Its quite normal that girls having harmonal imbalance.Its due to lack of supplements.When i gone through it i was taking fertilemd.i became perfect after taking it.

08-02-19, 16:56
There is a direct link between hormone levels and anxiety / panic. Hormones, such as growth hormone, testosterone and estrogen, are the most common in our body. Estrogen deficiency (https://hghtherapydoctor.us/estrogen/what-is-estrogen-identifying-a-need/) can cause weight gain, depression, low libido, brittle bones, insomnia, hot flashes, and other symptoms. In this case, you need to contact an endocryologist.

17-03-19, 18:20
I agree hormones imbalance. Im thru menopause and start when going thru menopause. Daughter has same issues with birth control pills.