View Full Version : Im Very Worried and confused

07-07-18, 12:51
so i couldent fall asleep till like 1am last night but then something odd happened i was lucid in a dream but i got scared and told myself to wake up but then i woke up in my bed able to move my left arm but nothing else then when i reaslised it i could feel my heartbeat go nuts but then i woke up again this time irl did i just have SP in a dream? or was it a false awaking

07-07-18, 13:05
I had something similar and was unable to properly form thoughts at same time. I was worried I'd had a TIA. Two weeks later and I've got bigger things to worry about. When these sort of things happen I check my pulse and quite predictably it is elevated. Then my pulse slowly calms down and I calm down. If this happens again I'll run it past my doctor.