View Full Version : Afraid of eating food

08-07-18, 03:23
I’m having worries about eating certain things. I stress eat a lot and i drink a lot of soda and eat sweets. I’m trying to eat better but I’m afraid all the crap I’ve eaten is going to cause cancer. I always hear about sugar and that it’s bad and has something to do with cancer cells. Anyone have any advice?

08-07-18, 03:26
Eating healthy is always going to be the healthier option but on the other hand there are countless people who eat unhealthy and live a perfectly healthy life and there are also countless people who eat perfect and still end up unhealthy. Try making small changes slowly and work your way to eating healthier.

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08-07-18, 04:22
Stop overthinking, that's all. In these days almost EVERYTHING puts ourselves in some cancer risk (processed foods, alcohol, toxic agrochemicals in vegetables/fruits, meat, cigarettes, smog, stressful lifes, sedentary lifestyle and sooooooo on). But yes, we can make a choice and look for the most healthy lifestyle that's posible but it ins't that easy, it's something progressive that takes even years but you can do it with effort!
Unfortunately life is a bingo after all and some scary things seem to come out of nowhere, but taking the right choices you can make those probabilities to go down. Take care!