View Full Version : Breathing feels forced

08-07-18, 09:43
Every time I breathe in and out I feel it is forced and I am over thinking the breath which is tiring me out. How do I overcome this? I do exercise but it heightens the sensation. I am trying to laugh about it and apply it to CBT breathing but finding it hard as an example. I am hoping one day I will wake up and won’t worry about breathing or feeling every sensation in my body.

08-07-18, 15:49
Any help please

08-07-18, 16:04
You might be overanalysing. A few thoughts.

It's really hot and quite frankly everything feels difficult in this heat including breathing.

You might be bloated which could be contributing to pressure on your diaphragm thus making the breathing more difficult.

Things like costochondritis (inflammation of rib muscle) can make breathing more difficult.

General tiredness can make breathing more difficult.

Also with myself I am getting a lot of allergies this time of year which again can make breathing more difficult.

If this continues I'd definitely discuss with your doctor though just to keep them in the loop.

Oh, and lastly your difficulty breathing could be causing anxiety which could also make the breathing more difficult.

---------- Post added at 16:04 ---------- Previous post was at 16:01 ----------

A simple exercise you can try to open up your lungs a little more from my rugby days. Stand up, put you hands on your head, with your elbows pointing to the side, now breath gently and naturally. If your arms get a little tired that is normal.

08-07-18, 23:52
Thank you so much for your reply. I think the anxiety is making me over think my breath. I had a PA and had a stinking cold and couldn’t get my breath in this home store a few months ago.Breathing is so natural. I feel I am getting the correct breath but when I get a quiet moment I start to get an adrenaline rush as I start to think about my breathing again. I just start to sense the rise and fall when I get a quiet moment and it pops in my head again about breathing as if I have to be really aware of it otherwise I think I will stop breathing.

09-07-18, 00:04
It is the heat

09-07-18, 08:36
If you become over aware of the breathing mechanism, you won't be able to do it "naturally". Same goes re swallowing or blinking. Think about it all the time and it feels "forced" and uncomfortable. It can come under the sensorimotor OCD umbrella.

09-07-18, 19:32
That’s what I have been doing as I haven’t trusted my body since the PA. Even though a PA actually is harmless and your body is actually protecting you. It will soon pass, it only really comes in the morning when I have not had any food and feel sluggish. I just have to trust my body is breathing naturally and all this is just a silly obsession. I have nothing to worry about as my heart rate is textbook. Just silly irrational thoughts from the anxiety which will pass with the more food and goodness I put back inside my body. No one can think about their breathing for ever it would just be crazy. I haven’t died and not taken any drugs so I need to let this go.