View Full Version : This is SO very annoying..ears

30-07-07, 22:36
Just, well about 10 minutes ago, the voices on my TV started sounding weird. Like underneath the normal voice pitch I could hear it lower, but it sounds like a computerised voice. I thought it was just the TV but then I spoke and it sounded exactly the same. I then started feeling slightly dizzy which I think was just the panic because I thought something was happening to my brain.

Now I can hear like a low rumbling noise in my ears that only disappears when I yawn or swallow. And my ears feel kind of blocked again.
And both ears hurt from time to time.

Yesterday my right ear felt very blocked and I had earache, and right now I've got a cold. So I, and my mom, think it may just be congestion from my cold.

But it's freaking me out, especially since everyone sounds like robots and I have a phobia of them as it is!

Please help someone, have you had it before? :(

30-07-07, 23:32
I have this too!

I have to pop my ears to hear. I went to docs and he checked ears and said they were fine and to use a steam inhaler and some decongestant oils to help.

I get it every time I eat - weird isn't it?

Nothing to worry about and do try the steam inhaler.

30-07-07, 23:43
I will, thanks!

Sorry I keep popping up with random posts like this. I only get hit with my anxiety every so often and every time I turn to this forum.

30-07-07, 23:58
Hey it isn't a problem ok - that is why we are here! To help and support.

31-07-07, 00:00
Thanks :D

31-07-07, 08:19
Sounds like the eustation tubes (spelling ???)

They run from the ear to the back of the throat and get sollen and congested if you have a cold or allergy,my gp told me to inhale steam 3 times a day and use decongestants for 7days only, also to pinch the nose and blow hard to help the ears pop. Sometimes the tube can dysfunction giving you problems constantly.

31-07-07, 16:10
Hi, I have to agree with the other posts, probably down to your cold and being congested. I suffer with dizziness all the time and they think its a problem with my inner ear as when they look into my ears they are always clear! Also have you got water in your ears recently (bath/shower/swimming) as I notice I get alot of my problematic symptoms with my ears after doing either of those things??? I know your can get ear putty to stop water going in your ears if that helps?

Angie x