View Full Version : huge hive on leg, im freaking out

08-07-18, 19:08
I was just lying on my bed and suddenly got a really itchy leg, as I scratched it a large hive appeared. Im now freaking out that my throat will close up. There is nothing I know of that im allergic to but I was in the garden before so it is possible it was from there, maybe i got bitten by something (nothing dangerous where I live tho i dont think) I do have some allergies (sneezing and itchy eyes) that I get every year but I dont know what causes them, It is either dist, fur or hayfever, but I dont know, can these things cause hives?

08-07-18, 19:11
I used to get random hives on my legs and back sometimes even my arms and they would be HUGE. They’d just randomly come and go and i never found a reason. Although nothing serious every happened to me because of it. Normally you only have to worry about your throat closing if the hives are all over and spreading quickly. Keep an eye on it and if it seems to be getting worse then you can worry.

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