View Full Version : Vertigo and upcoming flight

09-07-18, 07:42
Hey guys, about 2 months ago (while on holiday, no flying but Eurotunnel) I woke up with vertigo. It's something I've experienced a couple of times in my life. Usually, I just rested on those days and it slowly went away on its own. As we were on a quite full-on holiday, I could not rest and ended up with a terrible dizzy spell while using a public toilet. I had never felt such nausea and it pretty much ruined my entire holiday as I was terribly afraid that it might happen again. I took travel sickness medication and it cleared up. The 'floor moving' sensation only happened with certain head positions. No tinnitus, or fullness or hearing loss.

Back home I thought the problem had been resolved but it happened a couple more times (if a lot less severe). I (safely, with oil from the pharmacy) cleaned my ears and removed a big ear wax plug. Vertigo completely disappeared after that and I thought I had solved the problem.

HOWEVER, I woke up with slight vertigo when turning my head to the right in bed last week. So I guess it's pretty safe to assume that the problem persists. I'm pretty certain the vertigo is positional, as it only ever happens with certain fast head movements. But I've worked myself into enough of a state that I know constantly check if I'm feeling dizzy and struggle with telling what's normal and what's dizziness.

The main problem is, that I'm supposed to get on a flight in about 3 weeks. And I'm terrified that this might set things off again. I just don't know how to cope with that possibility. When googling a couple of articles came up claiming that positional vertigo cannot be caused by a change in air pressure doing a flight. But then there are people claiming flying had triggered their positional vertigo :shrug:.

As is always the case, my GP is about to go on holiday. So if I want to consult him on this I will have to act fast. I very much doubt that he will be able to answer my questions about flying with any certainty and would have to refer me to an ear/nose specialist. And that's just a lot to squeeze in in the next couple of weeks before the flight. Especially as I have a doctor phobia.

So I really don't know how to approach this. I'm absolutely terrified and from what I've been reading the 'remedies' are fairly limited (nasal sprays to keep sinuses open, travel sickness tablets etc.)