View Full Version : Severe Health Anxiety please help

09-07-18, 14:04
I’m 17. My health anxiety started off when I started to get these little pinpoint red dots on my arms. For the first time ever I looked up my symptoms and the first thing it showed was Leukemia. I freaked out and started getting pain in my right ribs and thought it was my liver. After that I begged my mom to go to the doctor. We went there and took blood tests but we never got a call about the results.
Since then I’ve been freaking out over other things like Melanoma, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer. First it was melanoma when I found this mole on my back that was a little bit bigger than an eraser and it freaked me out. Then I started to have little white dots in my stool and my stool would float, which sounded alarm for pancreatic cancer. I went from going to the bathroom to poop 3 times a day to only once every morning.
Then a week later I started to have blood in my stool, kind of an orangish red color. A couple days later I noticed blood and these black stripes in my stool and completely lost my mind. I went to take out my dog a few minutes after that and when I took him out I had cramps where my liver is and freaked out.
My mom took me to the ER and they did a CT scan and said I had an inflammation in my bowels. Also they took my blood and said my red blood cell and white blood cell levels looked good. They gave me pills and said if it doesn’t get better in a few days go to see a GI.
It’s a few days later now and I’ve only had to poop twice and there was blood both times and black specks when I wiped. I have these red rashes on my legs and chest. Im getting pain in my armpit that’s comes and goes. Pain in my thighs that come and go, stomach cramps once in a while. I also get pain on my wrist, knuckles, shins and elbows that come and go.
And another thing is I have this lump below the center of my chest, I’ve had this for at least a few years and am scared it’s a tumor. My heart rate also increases a lot throughout the day and am scared it’s a heart disease.

Sorry for the super long thread I just wanted to get everything out and leaving nothing out.

09-07-18, 18:18

I'm really sorry you're feeling this way :( I have severe health anxiety too and I know how scary it is and how alone it can make you feel. You're young, it's much more likely to be a number of non serious things but I would go to the doctor with all your symptoms. I can't give medical advice, but know that a lot of symptoms can be something benign or even anxiety induced. You've had a scan which looked positive, I'd head to the doctor again to get some reassurance and try and find the underlying cause but please try not to worry. It's highly likely to be something that's very easily resolved. And consider some CBT or other therapy for your health anxiety - you can talk to the doctor about this as well.

09-07-18, 22:33
I’m 17. My health anxiety started off when I started to get these little pinpoint red dots on my arms. For the first time ever I looked up my symptoms and the first thing it showed was Leukemia. I freaked out and started getting pain in my right ribs and thought it was my liver. After that I begged my mom to go to the doctor. We went there and took blood tests but we never got a call about the results.
Since then I’ve been freaking out over other things like Melanoma, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer. First it was melanoma when I found this mole on my back that was a little bit bigger than an eraser and it freaked me out. Then I started to have little white dots in my stool and my stool would float, which sounded alarm for pancreatic cancer. I went from going to the bathroom to poop 3 times a day to only once every morning.
Then a week later I started to have blood in my stool, kind of an orangish red color. A couple days later I noticed blood and these black stripes in my stool and completely lost my mind. I went to take out my dog a few minutes after that and when I took him out I had cramps where my liver is and freaked out.
My mom took me to the ER and they did a CT scan and said I had an inflammation in my bowels. Also they took my blood and said my red blood cell and white blood cell levels looked good. They gave me pills and said if it doesn’t get better in a few days go to see a GI.
It’s a few days later now and I’ve only had to poop twice and there was blood both times and black specks when I wiped. I have these red rashes on my legs and chest. Im getting pain in my armpit that’s comes and goes. Pain in my thighs that come and go, stomach cramps once in a while. I also get pain on my wrist, knuckles, shins and elbows that come and go.
And another thing is I have this lump below the center of my chest, I’ve had this for at least a few years and am scared it’s a tumor. My heart rate also increases a lot throughout the day and am scared it’s a heart disease.

Sorry for the super long thread I just wanted to get everything out and leaving nothing out.

My first advice is NOT to use Dr. Google at all. It is a search bot and can bring up all sorts of thing even by searching minor symptoms. If you search 'Fit and well' you will somehow manage to find cancer, if you flick through the pages long enough.

If you are worried, speak to a professional, rather than googling your symptoms. Google can put all sorts of stuff in your head. I can see you live in the US, so maybe call 3-1-1 if you are worried, as I am pretty sure you can get through to a non-emergency service there, or visit your doctor.

If you have inflammation of the bowel and you know what it is, you should be fine, its definitely not bowel or pancreatic cancer. As in the lump, it could just be a normal swelling/inflammation.

I hope you get past this anxiety well :yesyes: