View Full Version : Ugh..constant headache

09-07-18, 15:57
I have had a constant 24/7 headache for going on 2 months. It's just a nagging, pressure type pain that kind of jumps around. Today it is mostly in the back of my head. Never gets worse, but no better either. Also, sometimes my eye muscles hurt when I move them. Has anyone ever had this for so long?

12-07-18, 15:53
Hi there

I can relate to your post.

I have had headaches, tension on my forehead, back of my head, pressure on my sinuses for about 3 months now. I in the meantime got my eyes tested and needed glasses & the lighting in my office to be turned off above my PC screen (I work on a computer 8 hours a day).

As I never suffered with headaches before (beside the ones you get when hungover lol) I decided to go to the Dr, the first Dr said it is likely allergies but I was not having it, went back to another about 3 weeks after the initial appointment and he scheduled me a Head MRI, at the time I was terrified however looking back now its helped me as the headaches have somewhat gone completely and my MRI was normal.

The above said, I am by no means saying get a head MRI but its to make you see that its not unusual to have them, anxiety, stress, weather, eyes, sinus etc makes it all worse......if you still feel they are not getting better or getting worse, go back to your Dr & explain the issue again :)

Good luck & keep me posted on any outcome!

The majority of the time headaches are not a sign of anything sinister :)

17-07-18, 18:32
I have bee reading (my first mistake) that constant headaches in people over 50 can signal something more serious. I am going on my third month with this daily nagging headache and I am 67. It sometimes gets better, never any worse, but always there. I have no other symptoms. Has anyone else had this and could you please share your experience? I'm getting very scared.

17-07-18, 18:47
Have you had an eye test and seen a doctor about it?

17-07-18, 21:03
I had an eye exam 2 months ago and everything looked fine but my prescription changed. The headaches started since then. I have another eye appointment this week to make sure my prescription is correct.

17-07-18, 21:26
and a doctor?

17-07-18, 22:04
Not yet.

17-07-18, 22:17
Maybe it is time after 2 months

20-07-18, 02:02
Saw the eye doctor today and he said my prescription was ok. He also didn't see any sign of inflammation or any other "worrying symptoms". He asked what medications I was taking as medication headaches often happen in the back of the head. I remembered at the time my headaches started, my doctor increased my Lisinopril from 2.5mg to 5mg. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but it's something to ask my doctor about. He also thought it could be sinus related but I don't have any sinus issues (other than sneezing a lot). Has anyone had sinus headaches without congestion?

Polar Bear
20-07-18, 09:58
A few months ago I was getting constant headaches most of the day every day. As well as going to the doctors having eyes checked etc I visited a physio. The muscles in my neck and shoulders were so tight that after massage and manipulation etc the headaches stopped. The left side of my neck was particularly tight and the headaches were mainly above my left eye.

Been going back regularly which is helping. I think. Might be worth seeing a physio