View Full Version : Unusual sensation in back when waking up

09-07-18, 21:47

I’m not actually worried about this, but one morning when I woke up I had an odd feeling in my lungs. It felt like they were all crackly, but only if I had just woken up and took a deep breath in. If I fell back asleep they would do it again but never while I was awake. Anyway, I have also come to realise it doesn’t happen in the same place every time but it does now happen on either side of my spine. I can’t work out what on Earth it is? Could it be my muscles relaxing and then tensing back up as I breathe in? It’s very hard to describe. Just wonder if anyone had anything similar. I am a bit ashmatic which is a bit worse at this time of year because of the pollen but I’ve mentioned it at my asthma revie and everything seemed fine, although now it sometimes happens in my lower back I suppose it’s not my lungs at all but probably the muscles either side of my spine? Anybody?