View Full Version : Chest pain and breathlessness

09-07-18, 22:48
Here I go again! Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated

Have been really positive lately with my HA, but over the past two months I’ve had a lingering pain on the left side of my chest (down the outside edge of my pectoral)

Doctor thought it might be muscular and told me to take ibuprofen. However the pain hasn’t cleared and has been getting worse over the last few days. It varies from a sharp sting to a dull ache. Not worse with movement or pressure

As well as that I’ve been having a real difficulty taking in a deep breath recently which makes me more worried about (again) the dreaded C word!

To make matters worse, I came across a story (which I read as it was relevant to my work) about someone who had testicular cancer that grew in the chest, rather than in the testicle (unusual I know!!)

Doctor has told me to phone x ray tomorrow morning to book appointment so I’m extremely nervous. Also had asthma pump which didn’t have an affect on my breathing earlier.

No cough, which is a good sign, while I’m25yo, slightly overweight and had been a social smoker only for around three years (21-24 approx)

01-08-18, 20:36
Chest x ray and ECG have reported back clear, but am still worried! Would a CT scan have shown something for example?

The pain has moved to also be down my arm and centre of my chest. Am also finding breathing to be heavy.

I had regular testicle pain which started around two years ago, which has gotten better but still pops its head back up every now and again. Three doctors examined and found no lumps but am still worried as i did not have an ultrasound and now scared it’s spread. I hate not being able to get rid of this feeling

01-08-18, 20:47
You’ve had perfect test results from your doctor, that’s brilliant news! How did it make you feel in the first 10 minutes?

Weird question, but can you make a fist and hold it for the count of 10? Then relax........

Did you notice whether you held your breath or not during those 10 seconds?
If you did, then it’s very likely you have anxiety! When you have anxiety your muscles tense and you are holding your breath. That makes it tougher on your breathing and you’ll find you’re hyperventilating which means you’re breathing from your chest instead of your tummy.

Have you ever tried breathing into a paper bag? Put it over your mouth & nose and take 5 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. It MUST be paper!! Notice where you are breathing from? If it’s your chest then it needs to be your tummy.

If you google belly breathing, you’ll find a nice exercise to show you how to do it. After that, google progressive muscle relaxation and start practicing that.

Keep doing those exercises once or twice a day for a week, making note of how you think they helped your breathing.

If they don’t help, go back to the doctor and tell them what you tried, but remember that they’ve tested you and you are fine.

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