View Full Version : Relationships and anxiety??

09-07-18, 23:18
Hi guys,

This is my first time on here and I'm looking for advice. I have suffered with anxiety for as long as I can remember (palpitations kicked in around 7 and the obsessive fear of dying) and in this time I have never been able to get comfortable in a relationship.

I'm 23 now and when I have an anxiety attack I get physically sick, turn in to a personal cooker and go light headed. Not to mention the shakey legs and scaty behaviour (I'm a catch right? Haha). Now and again my anxiety crosses over to psychosis and I imagine the world in apocalypse stage and the thought of zombies coming and other random weird things like people wanting to mug me/rape me (little bit of a extremist sorry). I struggle to come to terms with if I can not cope with this how can some poor bloke deal with all this baggage?🤔.

I recently started dating properly for the first time. Me been me was not able to hug him/ show any physical affection even though my head was telling me this is the right thing my body would just not agree???. He took me for a weekend away and the entire time I threw up had angry bùtterflys in my stomach an was constantly feeling flushed. I am incredibly awkward in any sexual situation and the entire experience I am normally worried I am terrible or do not look right. I have always struggled to show any affection towards people even though I care about them and want things to progress.The guy in question was understanding and lovely at first but eventually couldn't hack my weirdness and not giving him any intimacy decided we would better as friends after been quite keen to start with. Someone out there must have similar problems as me?? Or have found away around feeling terrible in a normal situation. Please help :)