View Full Version : Lip twitching

10-07-18, 10:09
Hi all

Newbie here. Spent last night (well this morning 2am to 3.30am) reading the post about anxiety symptoms NOT being MS. Found it very reassuring so thanks (cancelled my doctors appointment today where I was going to plead for an appointment with a neurologist). However - no one mentions lip twitching which I do understand (thanks Google) IS often a first symptom of MS. So reassured by the blog but still have that nagging doubt.....
I lost my sister last year to breast cancer (struggling with that) and my dad was also diagnosed with breast cancer last year. Had a very stressful time waiting for the results of gene tests (no BRCA) and now on Tamoxifen as a preventative measure. Anxiety has been high and I do have a tendency to jump to the worst possible conclusion if there's a chance to - but I often notice the lip twitching or other muscle twitching/pins and needles occur AFTER the event that caused the stress has passed. Not sure if that's normal. Just seem obsessed with neither my husband or I seeing old bones......