View Full Version : I'm really struggling :(

10-07-18, 14:28
I've had pretty severe anxiety for 7 years now. It started when I was 14. I had to drop out of school and I've pretty much been stuck in my house since. I've tried various antidepressants and a couple of other types of meds but have found no relief from them. I've tried loads of different cbts therapists but have gained nothing. I'm currently trying hypnotherapy for the 3rd time and have gained nothing. I've even tried CBD Oil since it's something new but never found any relief with that either. I'm really struggling, everyday is just a constant battle between giving up and pushing forward.

Has anyone had any relief from something? Whether it be medication, therapy or something different. I would love to hear what things have helped people out or even cured them. I'm just getting extremely desperate now.

Any comments would be helpful.

12-07-18, 15:39
Are you having panic attacks or just bad anxiety

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12-07-18, 15:55
Its just really bad anxiety, like nearly 24/7 and I rarely get panic attacks unless I'm put into a situation I can't deal with.

12-07-18, 17:13
Hi Aaron,

Do you know where all this anxiety came from? It sounds incredibly tough for you. Have you had talking therapy which may help you better understand it all. If it’s a confidence thing I’m wondering if there are ways to boost your confidence. Perhaps some studying at an adult education centre. Or if you are unable to face that, there are loads of online courses. Studying gives you a skill set, but more important than that it gives you a sense of achievement. I ran away from my school due to bullying and I also had big struggles as a young man trying to start work. There are also volunteer jobs which will allow you to help and gain confidence.

On another note, meditation is a really good way to calm your brain down. Maybe there is a yoga center near you? I found very kind and non judgemental people at my local centre.

Small steps all add up.

12-07-18, 19:04
I'm not sure where it's come from. I've tried figuring it out but nothing comes to mind. I would love to get back into education but leaving the house is impossible for me at the moment

12-07-18, 20:21
Please try and get some talking therapy/CBT or similar. You need to fight this or it will drag you down. There's definitely help available. Probably need a combination of talking therapy and meds.

12-07-18, 20:23
Try a new hobby! Watercolor painting has helped me with my anxiety.