View Full Version : feel like my body is falling apart, so overwhelmed

11-07-18, 00:47
i’m unsure if this type of thread which is more venty and seeking reassurance is allowed, but my family are sick of listening to me and i’m really struggling.
i’m genuinley worried i have a serious illness, i’ve just constantly got symptoms and i don’t understand how none can mean anything. apologies for tmi but for probably over a month now my stool has been little pellets which i didn’t think much of until i realised this probably isn’t normal for such a length of time, and of course dr google agrees! it’s normal occasionally but states cancer as a reason for it lasting longer than two weeks, of course. also for over a week now my big toes have felt different, very hard to explain, it’s as if they are hypersensitive, so i’m worried i have nerve damage. to add to this is the tiny red dots all over my body, the swollen lymph node(s) under my arm for nearly two months which i have a thread on, as well as tmj in one side of my jaw also with a swollen node. i’m on holiday right now and won’t be back for over a week but i’m going to discuss all this with my doctor then but i’ve convinced myself i’ll get told i have cancer that’s spread everywhere, i’m only 17 but i’m terrified. i really need some kind of reassurance to keep me going for the next week, i honestly can’t see what else can explain everything that’s going on, i just feel at such a loss constantly picking up on symptoms and them all adding up.

11-07-18, 07:05
I’m sorry I just don’t know. I’m sure you’re fine, and your anxiety over your armpits is causing everything else.
Have you been to the doctor about anything else recently? Is your anxiety normally health related or something else?

Are you on holiday with family?
It’s such a shame you can’t enjoy it.

Can you remember anything about your cbt that helps?

I’d drink more water and increase fibre for the stools. And then I’d tell myself that at the moment I feel fine and that I’m going to the doctors when I get home, so may as well enjoy this holiday that I’ve been lucky enough to go on. Every time you feel anxiety creeping in, just do your best to ride it out, use any coping methods you can remember- deep breathing or grounding methods. It’s just annoying anxiety, nothing more.

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11-07-18, 11:35
I’m sorry I just don’t know. I’m sure you’re fine, and your anxiety over your armpits is causing everything else.
Have you been to the doctor about anything else recently? Is your anxiety normally health related or something else?

Are you on holiday with family?
It’s such a shame you can’t enjoy it.

Can you remember anything about your cbt that helps?

I’d drink more water and increase fibre for the stools. And then I’d tell myself that at the moment I feel fine and that I’m going to the doctors when I get home, so may as well enjoy this holiday that I’ve been lucky enough to go on. Every time you feel anxiety creeping in, just do your best to ride it out, use any coping methods you can remember- deep breathing or grounding methods. It’s just annoying anxiety, nothing more.

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I haven’t been to the doctors in a month or two, anytime i’ve been with symptoms it’s never ended up being anything serious, my anxiety is mainly health related but i still get anxiety over other stuff. I’m on holiday with my family yeah, trying to use my cbt techniques but it’s hard as i always have a better safe than sorry attitude when it comes to my health if that makes sense, so i always assume the worst. thanks so much i’ll try to do what you’ve said