View Full Version : Really fast heart rate - sleeping or exercising

11-07-18, 09:56
Hello all!

I'm new here but seen this superb site before and though i'd join as im desperate. Im really struggling almost daily now with anxiety (ive had it on and off off for years but never to this degree) and since about 9 months ago ive had this thing where ive become really focused on my heart rate (i wouldnt before with anx but not to this level). So now if i walk fast or do any thing vigorous i can feel it bumping hard which then makes me nervous and then triggers even faster HR - something around 160 i think. Recently im waking in the night and then when i go to the toilet, my heart rate bumps and that has set off feeling nervous and then having this really fast heart rate which has really scared me...it lasts i would say about 20 mins. The doctor hasnt been that helpful saying if it lasts more than 10 mins to ring 999 (id be there every week, every day if that was the case!). My usual doctor to be fair has said he is sure it is anxiety but still...i just wondered if anyone else had this issue with exercise and also upon waking in the night...i also get it when i wake up in the morning lately too. Propanolol are helping but still....any advice or tips to manage would be good :) x

11-07-18, 10:23

I've been through exactly the same thing and the simple solution is to just stop focusing on it.

When you're in a constantly anxious state, your heart rate will rise because of the extra adrenaline. It's a vicious cycle because the faster it gets, the more you focus on it, and the faster it gets, the more you focus on it etc.....

The thing you HAVE to tell yourself is that if you walk quickly or do anything vigorous your heart rate WILL rise, as that's what it's supposed to do. I got myself into the trap of not wanting that to happen and therefore not doing anything, which in turn got me very out of shape which meant my heart would pump even harder when I did get off my ass and do anything.

It's taken me nearly a year to re-learn to be ok with my heart rate going up. I started going out for walks and allowing my heart rate to rise for a couple of minutes, then the next week allowing it for five minutes, then ten minutes etc. I also more recently started doing weightlifting again which really pushes my heart rate up on heavier sets. But now I can push it up to 150bpm or more on a heavy set, allow it to come down again over and over again during a 60-90 minute session.

The trick is that you have to tell yourself over and over again that's what your heart is supposed to do. It's the cycle of panic, adrenaline and your(and my) reaction to it that's the problem.

It's worth noting that beta blockers don't directly slow your heart rate down, rather they stop your heart rate increasing from the adrenaline. They real solution is to lower the adrenaline in the first place by addressing the way you react to an anxiety trigger.

It can be done over time :)

18-07-18, 20:37
Hello A.Joe....

Thank you so much for the helpful reply..you are right, i have noticed i have prolonged my anxiety attacks by focusing heavily on my heart rate...lowering the adrenaline yes absolutely....

The cycle of panic is vicious isnt it? I will try and not focus on it when it happens. Its especially worst at night time which is annoying. Also much worse before my period - and im 45 so i can a difference.

Thanks again :)