View Full Version : Help!!! Lump in breast

11-07-18, 11:45
Please help! I am 16 weeks pregnant and finished breastfeeding a few months ago. I just got an itch on my breast and went to scratch it and noticed a lump. I’ve never noticed a lump before. There is a bit of a bruise there. Please tell me i’ll Be ok

I forgot to say there is no pain, no hardness, no discharge, no change of shape or puckering or anything. I just rang the health direct number and they said it’s most likely related to stopping breastfeeding and pregnancy, could be a cyst.... Please help, i’m Beside myself

Kris b
11-07-18, 12:42
My wife had the same thing going on. It was a clogged milk canal. It then leads to a swollen milk gland. Chances are you will feel others in the next couple of days. Also check the other breast. Breast cancer is almost never at two breast at same moment.

11-07-18, 17:59
Poor you. But yes possibly breastfeeding related. Can you try massaging it in the shower or bath? If you have a comb apparently that can help to unclog it - just gently comb it over your boob in the shower/bath.

Could also be pregnancy changes.

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