View Full Version : kids hols

31-07-07, 09:08
hi all,I havnt posted for a while,i have been doing quite well,i get my days but can get there,ive been on holiday abroad and everything went well.But god since ive come back my anxiety is sky high,the kids are off driving me mad and im wandering around finding all sorts to do to keep busy,but feel exausted,but when i do nothing or try to relax im worse.Anybody else struggling with kids off school,I love my kids to bits but this is stressing me out with me not having 5 mins break on my own aghhhh.take care all.love tracy:hugs:

31-07-07, 09:48
Hiya hun
well done on the holiday. Thats really great.
Stress always makes anxiety worse and having the kids around no matter how much you love them increases stress. Have you looked into anything like summer holiday clubs? When i was younger i use to go up to the sports centre for the day, meet aload of other kids and play all day. It was great fun for me and gave my parents a brake.
Hope it works out ok
Take care

31-07-07, 10:05
Thanks Blackie for your reply.Icouldnt really put them in holiday club as i have 3 children so this would be very expensive.Never mind only 5 weeks to go lol.love tracy

31-07-07, 10:49
Oooh Mirry did a thread on exactly this just a little bit ago - I'm terrible for remembering the titles of threads so could you go to Mirry's details and look up threads she started. Or if anyone else reads could they remember Mirrys thread????

Love Piglet :flowers: