View Full Version : Appendicitis or anxiety pains?! VERY STRESSED

12-07-18, 00:59
Hey guys.

so recently i have been in out of hospital. twice this month. 2 day stay and a 3 day stay with pain down my lower right stomach , coincidentally exactly where the appendix is.

so being a massive phobic of hospitals and needles i had to go through two blood tests and have a canula stuck in my arm on a drip for two days.

so , my blood tests come back fine , my CT scan shows no pus filled appendix , and my white blood cell count was normal , and so was my pain levels. now , i have little on and off pains i have had for 9 days. im not in agony at all just uncomfortable pains that are off and on , again they dont hurt its short little stabbing feelings. i was told my appendix is slightly swollen . thats all. im so confused as when im playing with friends online the pain goes away most the time like my brain isnt focusing on it . im so confused anyone have advice? :/ again , no toilet problems , no throwing up and no fever.. thanks so much for advice

[ was sent home on antibiotics as i chose not to do surgery , did i make the wrong choice? ]

12-07-18, 11:50
[ was sent home on antibiotics as i chose not to do surgery , did i make the wrong choice? ]

So all the tests were normal but they said your appendix was slightly swollen. Did they actually recommend surgery and you refused? If they did, what was the explanation? What was the actual diagnosis? Did you have an appendix attack? Is it a chronic issue for you that would be solved with surgery? Sorry for all the questions but your post isn't clear to me.

Positive thoughts

12-07-18, 15:56
My doctor told me that if you think you have appendicitis or appendix problems that you should jump. If it hurts a little but you’d do it again, you’re fine. If you jump and it’s something someone couldn’t even pay you to do again, it’s your appendix! Also when i went to the hospital with stomach problems a couple years ago they had me lay down and they smacked the bottom of my foot to check for appendix problems so there must be something to it

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13-07-18, 04:16
I've actually had appendicitis before. If you can bear the pain and it's been more than a day... it's not appendicitis. If you're really worried about it being appendicitis, and the pain goes away when you're distracted from it, the it might well be your brain playing tricks on you.

Either way, if it persists, then maybe go back and request a scan, and maybe get the surgery. Appendicitis doesn't do much actual permanent harm if your appendix doesn't rupture, and the days before it does are pretty agonizing as far as I remember, so you'll know.

13-07-18, 07:57
I get frequent lower right abdominal pain and in my case I know it is a tiny inguinal hernia, combined with my mesh implant from a previous operation. It burns or hurts more after exercise and sometimes when heavily distracted I almost forget about it. Some seating postures also seem to put less pressure on it.

19-04-19, 19:38
I have for this at min for last 10 days. Right abdominal pain next to belly button . I get burning pain under bottom right rib. Full blood count fine not appendicitis as Dr says no infection showing or fever. Now stool cout changed to yellow.