View Full Version : Escitalopram and maybe Wellbutrin? Anyone?

12-07-18, 15:22
Hey guys! I'm on day 52 of Escitalopram 10mg (approx. 7 wks) and I've been feeling pretty decent for the last 3 weeks. The nausea, shakes, morning anxiety, and overall panic has subsided for the most part. It does seem to be helping some with the intrusive thoughts, I'm only having them every so often instead of breast cancer fears consuming my every thought all day. I have also noticed an increased push to compulsively touch my breast multiple times a day to check "my lumps". So it doesn't seem to have my OCD completely reeled in. I also dont feel as though it is doing much of anything for my depression.

What my worries and questions are:

- is the medicine working to it's full potential or should I up the dose? Is there ever such a thing as a medicine completely abolishing intrusive thoughts and OCD needs to check yourself?
-is there anyone on here who takes this med along with Wellbutrin? My mom is on wellbutrin and has been for years for depression and she wants me to switch. I dont want to because I dont feel like it would cover my OCD and Anxiety. But does anyone take it in conjunction with Esc?
- honestly, will I ever be free of this breast cancer fear? I feel like I see those little pink ribbons everywhere and its like a sign from the universe that I'm giving up too easy even though I've had tests and consults with surgeons.

Thank you for all of your help, you guys have been amazing to me, a total stranger, the past 3 months! This is just my first time experiencing health anxiety and trying meds, so I'm at a loss.

14-07-18, 16:47
I would increase your dose before adding the Wellbutrin. Since you've seen improvement, I think that means the escitalopram is definitely working....but you probably need a higher dose since you are still having anxiety symptoms.

I don't know how accurate this is, but I have read that OCD needs a higher dose. 10 mg is pretty low, so at least you've got room to go up :-). Maybe see if you could try 15 mg, instead of going straight to 20?

I do think your breast cancer fears will go away once you are on an effective dose.

27-07-18, 20:20
HiMommy1! What did you end up deciding to do?