View Full Version : Such a long time now

13-07-18, 03:16
Over 25 years, now, I have a hard time with basic swallowing and speaking. Ok, when I do swallow, I go through a choking sensation, and slight delay. This is clearly seen on an esophagram. The epiglottis just hangs for a second, and quickly releases. the ENT did not think this was such a big deal, at all.

Next, I feel as if the mucous was being forced into the nasal cavity. I was told that is is probably vasomotor rhinitis, and was prescribed a nasal spray to help. I did notice a slight modification, but the basic mucous build up was still blocking the area.

Ok, when I am eating, I am constantly blowing my nose, because of the stuck stuff. So far, no one can determine the problem. During the day, I am constantly clearing my throat, due to the stuck stuff. Many years ago, I tried Primatene, a broncodilator. Well, I was amazed. I felt great. My airway felt very open, and swallowing was no problem at all. My voice was strong, and it was easy to speak. This was a one time result, though. I tried the pills again, and hardly any effect at all.

It is currently an effort for me to talk properly. I end up speaking too fast, and sometimes have to stop, to regain composure. So...I am thinking all this has to do with some kind of airway problem, from the chest to the back of the throat. Now, I will say, that the back of my throat always feels very tight, and I can place my fingers on the exact spot. There is a constriction, somewhere, but no doctor will admit to it.