View Full Version : Cancer anxiety

13-07-18, 17:31
Hi everyone.

My health anxiety is really high this month. Let me give a bit of back story.

So, in December I decided I needed to diet. I was at 18 stone and feeling really bad about myself. I have been dieting very strictly since then and have lost almost 5 stone.

The last couple of weeks I have been trying to increase my food intake because I want to maintain my current weight. The problem is I have continued to lose weight.

I have also been having stomach and back pain / discomfort. It kinda feels like I’ve been doing 1000 sit-ups a day and hurting my stomach muscles, when in reality I haven’t done anything like that. This has lead me to the worry that maybe my weight loss isn’t due to the strict diet - but due to cancer.

I’ve had some blood tests done but I’m waiting for results. I am so stressed and anxious about it.

So I have nipping and burning feelings in my back and stomach and under
My arm.

13-07-18, 18:48
Well done for making an effort to get healthier and lose weight. I can only say that you did the right thing having blood test and that this is far more likely to be nothing of importance than something sinister.

The "Told Ya So" gang will be on standby :shades:

13-07-18, 20:06
After I lost 2 stones... I did get a full set of bloods done then too about a different unrelated complaint (something to do with a recurring throat infection, not another cancer worry) and those results came back fine.

14-07-18, 20:47
I just can’t relax about it.

14-07-18, 22:12
A textbook case of "panic cancer".

Positive thoughts